
St. Mother Teresa Cathloic Academy offers a wide range of courses in the areas of Accounting, Marketing, International Business, Business Leadership, Entrepreneurship and ICT in Business. Students who are enrolled in business courses are provided with the opportunity to experience the many aspects of business that affect their daily lives. Participation in these areas of study does not end in the classroom; many of the skills developed in the class are far reaching and help young people to develop the life skills that are needed to succeed in their future careers.

At SMT, the fundamental goal of the Business Department is to prepare students to become future contributing members of society that are instilled with the ethical principles that transcend the classroom and are at the core of all successful business practices. As 21st century learners, we believe technology is an integral component of a student's transition from high school to post secondary, and as such our business courses are taught using the latest technology with concepts and ideas explored using the tools that will be a part of their professional lives.

Ultimately, our objective is to increase our students' awareness and use of technology while facilitating learning in an inclusive environment grounded in the beliefs of our Catholic faith.

Why should you enroll in a business class at SMT? (you can leave this out if you do not think it is necessary)

Over a third of Canada’s workforce is employed in the fields of trade and commerce, finance and insurance, administration and support, and real estate and leasing (Statistics Canada, 2018).The business sector, the central pillar of Canada’s economy, is bursting with opportunities, from positions as accountants and clerks to administrators and retailers.

The business program at SMT enables you to gain sector-specific skills and knowledge in engaging, career related business learning environments. It will also prepare you in a focused way for postsecondary education, training or employment.