MeNtal Health Literacy 

What is Mental Health?

The World Health Organization defines Mental Health as a "state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community."

Mental Health is different from Mental Illness, however, can be negatively impacted by a Mental Illness.

Mental Health

Mental Illness

Mental Health and Your Brain

What is Social Emotional Learning 

Social and emotional learning (SEL)  is defined as an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions. 

The Adolescent Brain

Dr. Dan Siegel is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and who first discussed the theory that basic brain functions and emotional regulation can be mimicked with our hands. This video is an overview of his theory.

Kids Want to Know... About their Brains

This video is aimed for children to help them gain an understanding of the way their brains work to recognize and manage their emotions. 

The Hand Model of the Brain

Emotions during adolescence are all over the place... or perhaps others see it that way. Dr. Siegel explains in a meaningful and helpful way why adolescents act the way they do, and why maintaining positive mental health is so essential for this age group and their development.