TCAPS EdTech Core Values

TCAPS EdTech Core Values

We align our work with the ISTE Standards. 

The ISTE Standards are a framework for innovation in education. These standards help educators and education leaders worldwide prepare learners to thrive in work and life.

We support using technology in a thoughtful and purposeful way.

The Triple E Framework is a research-based tool for educators to measure how well technology tools integrated into lessons are helping students engage in, enhance and extend learning goals.   

We prioritize digital wellness for our staff, students, and families.

We also have an ethical responsibility to educate our students about Digital Wellness (this term encompasses both Digital Citizenship and news literacy).  These are critical skills for our students of today and our leaders of tomorrow.  We have moved away from conversations of fear and negativity (don’ts) to ones of inclusivity, empathy, and action (do’s).  We are encouraging students to be inclusive, informed, engaged, balanced, and alert.  

TCAPS has adopted the Edvolve Curriculum Framework.  Within this Framework, there are four important strands teachers are asked to cover with students:

Our EdTech Team provides timely, relevant professional learning around these topics to our staff and our community.  Please reach out if you would like to work with us.