Contact Us!

Danelle Brostrom
Elementary EdTech Coach

David Noller
Secondary EdTech Coach

Evan OBranovic
Executive Director of Technology

Stephie Luyt
Elementary Library  Coordinator

Internet Access

 Internet access isn't a luxury - it's become a necessity​Please review and share the information below that may be helpful to your families if in need of an internet connection at their residence or access to public WiFi.  

TCAPS has acquired a limited number of hotspots to assist families without reliable internet connectivity. Please fill out this form and you will be notified when one becomes available.

Is it broken? Contact Tech Support!

Staff Tech Support: 

For Staff Support Tickets, there is a tile in the cloud.


Call the support desk at 231-933-3325

Please know they will not be able to remote into your machine unless you are in a TCAPS building.

Student/Parent Tech Support:

We are responding to emails as quickly as we can, Monday - Friday, with critical and more time sensitive issues receiving first priority.  Please allow 24 -48 hours for us to respond before inquiring again.  

Families can request help via the TCAPS - Tech Help Request Form.


Families can call the Family Support Line at (231)933-3328.

You can also direct families to our Family Tech Help Information on TCAPS 24/7.