AI Tools

Artificial Intelligence is moving fast.  What do you need to know to keep up?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to be incredibly beneficial, but without responsible development, it could also cause serious harm. Its recent surge into our lives has left us with more confusion than clarity. We need to understand what this technology is, what it's capable of, and what limitations it has. Most importantly, we need to define what AI should not be used for.

Successful AI is built with responsibility, ethics, and inclusion by design - and then used thoughtfully, intentionally, and responsibly by the end user. 

Before recommending any AI tool to educators, our team has considered the following (copied from industry leaders Common Sense):

Top AI Tools for Staff

REMINDER: Do not put student PII (personally identifiable information) into ANY AI Tool.
PII includes student name, address, phone number, photographs, handwriting, ID number.

AI Tool: Gemini

Learn more: Gemini AI Rating

AI Tool: Khanmigo

Learn more: Khanmigo AI Rating

Approved AI Tools for Students 13 Years Old and Over (With Parent Permission)

Sample Parent Permission Form

Learn more about WHY you need to get parent permission: AI Tools Raise New Legal Questions for K-12. You may be putting yourself at legal risk if you use an unapproved AI tool with students OR if you do not get permission from parents. When in doubt, ask your EdTech Coach.

AI Tool: Khanmigo

Learn more: Khanmigo AI Rating

AI Tool: Perplexity

Learn more: Perplexity AI Rating 

Approved AI Tools for Students Under 13 Years Old

Most AI tools gather a LOT of data on their users. Any AI tools other than those listed below are NOT approved for use with students under 13. You may be putting yourself at legal risk if you use an unapproved AI tool with students. When in doubt, ask your EdTech Coach.

AI Tool: Khanmigo

Learn more: Khanmigo AI Rating