
The third pillar of the Junior Water Walkers is respect. When we has a strong connection or relationship with someone or something we naturally come to respect it. On this page you'll find stories of love and respect for the water. What will you do to respect water?

"I am Water." Listen to water speak and think about whether or not you are respectful towards it. Do you take water for granted? What can YOU do to show your respect for water? What are your gifts? Are you an artist, writer, photographer, athlete, crafter, speaker....? How can you use YOUR gifts to show respect for water?

An excellent video which will guide you on your journey to respecting water. Watch and listen and learn what YOU can do to respect water.

This is the story of how the "Nibi" song came to be. It a song of love and respect for the water and for one another. Thank you Dorene Day, Alana Dickenson and Jose Santos-McCauley for sharing your story and your song. More information and a recording of the song can be found on the Mother Earth Water Walk website.