Inquiry 2


In truth, Video games are electronic games that controls on-screen (the computer, tv, iPad,iPhone) it was invented on October 14, 1958, by Physicist William Higinbotham ( 25 October 1910 - 10 November 1994 because of emphysema) he invented a very simple tennis game, it’s related to the late 1970s ping pong games. Video games were created out of hard plastics such as polycarbonates, video games are created through the software development process.

Yes and no video games are very popular pastime amongst a wide range of people. But the average teenager spends 3 - 4 hours of their days playing games and doesn't go outside. We need to find a way to stop this! We are going to talk about why videogames are good but also bad, but first we are going to talk about the benefits of video games like how you can make thousands of dollars from it.

How have video games changed over time?

Video games have changed a lot over the years. I mean we have vr but is this a good thing? A major step forward in the evolution of video games was the development of game cartridges that stored the games and could be interchanged in the console. leading many video game console makers to switch their emphasis, but in saying that this was a long time ago nowadays we don't even need a cd, we can just go onto the playstation store find a game and boom we have a new game. So that's how video games have changed over time. Is this a step forward or a step backwards?

Why are people addicted to videogames?

Harry: There are many reasons people get addicted to videogames, so according to researchers at Stanford Said that video games addiction is uncontrollable. The disadvantages of video games are that 3 billion people in the world are addicted to video games. The teenager spends 5-6 hours per day on gaming and a minimum of 31 hours per WEEK. 10% in the world of Children 8 or younger spend about 2 hours staring at a screen ,every single day according to many studies, video games can cause sleep disorders and poor sleep hygiene. Physical health atrophy, Exhaustion and a lot more. Video games can change our brains and how they perform and even their shape. And not only that video games can also increase our violent action by a bit. This could show the little kid learning fighting from gaming, having difficulty sleeping, and keep thinking about gaming.

The benefits of video games

Harry. So many parents want their children to stop playing video games because they’re violent and they could get addicted to them. But they probably don’t even know the benefit of it, however, video games improve social benefit, memory, creativity, language and teamwork. Some research shows that the experience of video increases your IQ, better eye-to-hand communication and higher memories, Spatial Visualization, Perception and Vision Decision Making, Problem Solving Mood and it's also according to a review of research in American Psychologist.

How can we control how much time we spend on video games?

This is how you can keep your video-game playing time in check: Set a time limit before the game begins. For instance, if you want your child to play for only 30 minutes, tell him that's the limit and set the kitchen timer when it goes off. Go tell them to take a break or do some chores. Maybe you can even make them work for this game like for every 10 sit ups are 10 mins on the game.

Do video games make people violent?

For the short answer no they don’t. Studies have shown that video games have no connection to making people violent however, they do rise only by a little people’s anger or rage, some parents when they say this to their child haven't actually checked if it was real they just think that they are right but they are just telling kids lies or how it corrupts there brain, but no actually does the opposite it teaches so no video games do not make people violent just well maybe a little.

How have video games changed over time?

Video games have changed a lot over the years. I mean we have vr but is this a good thing? A major step forward in the evolution of video games was the development of game cartridges that stored the games and could be interchanged in the console. leading many video game console makers to switch their emphasis, but in saying that this was a long time ago nowadays we don't even need a cd, we can just go onto the playstation store find a game and boom we have a new game. So that's how video games have changed over time. Is this a step forward or a step backwards?