Inquiry #2


Stoats came to new Zealand in 1879 the reasoning they came was to kill the rabbits because the rabbit were eating the sheep pasture so they came to kill the rabbits but ended up being a pest because they did kill the rabbits but they also ate bird eggs, other rodents

Now the goal for bay of plenty and the rest of new Zealand is thinking up ways of getting rid of the stoat because it is destroying native animals

Point 1

One of the main reasons for stoats coming to New Zealand is because they needed to kill the rabbits that were eating the sheep pasture so they came over and did their job but while doing it they destroyed a lot of bird eggs and killed kiwis. Predator free NZ says that 40 north island kiwi eggs are killed a day that is 15,000 a year. The stoat has been involved in some extinctions such as the laughing owl.

Point 2

What the bay of plenty is doing to mitigate the deleterious effects the first thing that is being done is traps. Traps are really useful to get rid of pests such as stoats, rats and other pests. In my opinion traps are by far the most effective thing to kill stoats because all you need to do is get bait put it in the trap put the trap into position then wait for 4-5 days then go and check it if it hasn't been eaten if it has and the stoat is in there then clear it then put new bait in if it hasn't been touched then replace the old bait with new bait and reset the trap

Point 3

The stoat lives in any habitat where they can find prey in new Zealand they are found anywhere from beaches to high country they can survive and they like any forest. Some of the stoats diet is rats, mice, birds and a lot of other food, the stoat surprisingly also eats other pests like rats, mice, rabbits, hares and possums. So when it sees a dead possum dead by a trap it will go and eat it.


In this i have explained what i have done in this research time.

Works Cited

“Stoat Food Chain (Page 1).” Stoat Food Chain (Page 1) - Line.17QQ.Com,

“Stoat Mustela Erminea.” Pest Detective, prey on and have,level of predation they inflict.

“Stoat Facts.” Predator Free NZ, main prey are rats,, roadkill, hedgehogs and fish.

“Stoats.” Pests,