

How has Communication helped you in P.E this term

so this term at the start i didn't know anyone but 1 lesson of P.E in room 20 with Mr Couper we played this game called bang were you would have to shoot someone they would duck and the people either side of the person that ducked would have to say the other persons name and whoever said it first would make the other person go down so in the second round i was getting to know everyone's name because i was watching so in the second round i was getting everyone out until finally it was just me and Tyler left he had no idea what my name was so that meant that i had and easy one and just like that i shot him and i won and then everyone from then on new my name.

So Communication this year has been trying to interact with your class mates because the more you interact with more people the more people you will know and they could be interested in stuff your interested in so they could be your friends.

also in my cricket team this year we kept losing due to us collapsing so every time we had our opening pair in i would go up to them ad say just stay in and survive the first 10 overs then we can go from there sure enough we survived and ended up getting 228 and winning the game by 50 runs.

How does Communication help you in other areas of my life?

Well the only way that i get along with my brothers and sister is by communicating with them its either in sport or board games so with my youngest brother i will say stuff like do you want to go play cricket outside "nah" will be his response so i have to say to him if you win i will let you dump a bucket of water on my head and that gets him excited and he wants to now play. with my Dad we get along well with talking about cricket he will take me out for a net session almost every week and we talk and laugh whole doing it.

How can Communication have a positive effect on EACH dimension of your Hauora?

physical well being - Taha Tinana

with physical well being in cricket if someone drops a catch or bowls like rubbish and there down supporting them through it because its sucks but with my physical well being i like to get out of bed and think about if i have any sport that day and if i do then i get excited if not then i try think of a way like the other day my dad was to tired to give me a net session so i rode my bike up to the closet nets and i just bowled and practise by myself.

Mental and Emotional well being- Taha hinengaro

I think for me my mental and emotional wellbeing is good at the moment i think that for me i need to improve in certain spots like playing to much on my iPad and computer games in general thats something that i think i can work on with my mental and emotional well being to work on it i think i need to find solutions such as go outside and try work on something i need to do better in cricket with like working on my spin bowling.

social well being - Taha whanau

with my social well being it is really good i'm very social in sports and in team sports such as cricket and football i tend to interact with a lot of people i like to invite people to come train with me at the cricket nets when i am bored and i know a lot of people from sport so when i came to this school i knew a few people which was better than knowing no one.

spiritual well being - Taha wairua

my spiritual well being is to do with cricket i just love the game much and i really hope i can do it as a job every chance that comes up to play a game or have a training or anything to do with cricket i will take like last year when i was in intermediate i used to play a game in the morning then a game in the afternoon and i really would enjoy it then the next day i would have another game it was always and action packed weekend last year in summer.