Covid-19 lockdown

2020 Covid-19 lock-down (How it effected me and my family)

3628800 Seconds. 60480 Minutes. 1008 Hours. 42 Days. 6 Weeks. 1.3 months. Which ever way you look at it, it's a long time. The people of New Zealand including my family and I have just spent this time in lock-down. This is the time we have spent in the two most intrusive lock-down levels, 3 and 4. This time has been straining in more ways than one. It does, however, have it positives two.

During the last few days at school it was clear to see something was going to happen. Covid-19 had infected over 100 thousand people world wide and it seemed to be all people could talk about. Schools were preparing for immediate closure and students were doing there best to grasp the severity of the situation. The announcement of the lock-down was made and it was effective immediately. One day we were at school interacting with our peers and learning in large highly populated classrooms and the next we were heading into a seemingly endless lock-down. No catching up with friend, impending financial difficulties, hundreds of thousands of deaths, millions of infections. This was going to be tough. The toughest part about lock-down for me was not being able to catch up with friends. I decided that I wanted to make the best of lock-down and all it had to offer: Solitude, time, exponential creative opportunity when it came to my interest in film-making and so much more. In this segment of my website I will add sub-pages for some of the things I kept myself occupied with in lock-down. Enjoy!