Inquiry #3

Racial Violence Inquiry


All over the world there is a lot of Racism going around. Just last week George Floyd got killed by a lot of white policemen and no one could help him. So for our inquiry we have chosen to do the Racial Violence happening in the USA.

This is a really big deal all over the world but it is very bad in the USA, in our inquiry we will be going over what racial violence is and how we can stop it.

What is Racial Violence?

Racial Violence is a Big Thing happening around the world. For example I'll take the USA, It's when a light skinned person can abuse or just attack a dark skinned person and they won't get in trouble because of their Race or skin colour. In the USA is mostly recognised as light skinned policemen attacking dark skinned and mostly African American people for little to no reason. Though a lot of racial violence is from cops to black people, there have been many incidents where it has just been a normal white person trying to boss around the black people a recent event was when Amy cooper called the cops on a black man walking in Central Park.

How Did This Racial Violence Begin?

Racial violence has been a thing for as long as we can imagine, so I don’t think that there is a true answer to this question, though it has been a big part of history forever one of the earliest occurrences dates back to 1660, one of the later but more affecting parts of racial violence was in 1992 the Rodney King slavery riots.

People who Protested

Another one is Malcom X he is well known for his controversial yet staunch racial advocacy, these people and their history, were some of the roots of fighting against racial violence.

Two people who had some of the biggest effects were Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King jr, these two people had very large impacts on people’s attitudes towards fighting against Racial violence. Rosa Parks is well known as the woman who didn’t let white people boss her around, she sat where she wanted too, and went where she wanted too. Martin Luther King was the leader of the peace riots that we mentioned before.

The best advocate for change was Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X was more into violent protests and didn't agree with Martin Luther King's non violent approach. Both MLK and Malcolm X were assassinated.

Protest Styles

For this I will be comparing peaceful protests and violent protests, I will be using Martin Luther King jr for the peace protest and Malcom X for the violent protests.

Peaceful protests.

Protests where the people protesting don’t fight, or burn things. This is Martin Luther King jr explaining what peaceful protests are. He said,”in our protest there will be no cross burnings. No white person will be taken from his house by a hooded Negro mob and brutally murdered. There will be no threats or bullying.”

Violent protests.

Though the civil rights movement fought against racial segregation, Malcolm X wanted to completley seperate whites from African Americans. In his protests they would burn things and throw rocks and gas bottles.

How Much Is The Racial Violence Affecting The Community?

Racial Violence is affecting the whole USA community because people are getting more and more scared to go outside because they might get harmed. Since it's been all over the internet they have started having more equality for everybody. Before all of this there were lots of shootings and cops killing unarmed people and just mishandling people.

Can Protesting Reduce Racial Violence?

Sometimes protesting can't reduce Racial Violence because it aggravates the police and it just makes them more and more annoyed because if they keep protesting it keeps the streets full and the cops don't wanna deal with all that then they will start pulling out guns and threatening people.

There have been times where protesting has reduced racial violence, e.g Martin Luther King jr’s Peace Protests.

What Can The Government Do About It?

At the moment the government can't do much about it because in the USA Trump is just hiding and not doing anything about it. In other countries they had some solutions to help America with all this happening because now the light skinned cops got stereotyped by a lot of people around the world.

On Sunday majority of the Minneapolis City cops signed lots of papers in front of crowds and they were promising that they would reduce lots of the racial violence around the Minneapolis City. They also agreed to bring more safety around the City and to protect the Dark skinned race.

How Might We Reduce Racial Violence in USA?

As we already know Racial violence is very bad in the USA, so is there a way to stop it? Though I don’t think there is any way to get rid of racial violence I think that people could learn to get along.

In the 1950s and 60s an African American man named Martin Luther King jr was the leader of the civil rights movement. And lead many peace protests. Martin Luther King jr's dream was a world where everyone is equal.

I think peace protests and civil rights movements were and are a good way to reduce Racial Violence.

Best Possible Solution

We think that the best possible solution is peaceful protests as they give people affected by racial violence a chance to speak their word and let off some steam, they also give the racist people a chance to see how racial violence affects the victim.


In conclusion we believe that the best way to stop racial violence is peaceful protests. Thank you for listening to our inquiry on Racial violence.