
My Pest Inquiry


For our pest inquiry, we have chosen to do wallabies, if you don't know what a wallaby is you can think of it as a small kangaroo or a big rabbit.

What defines a wallaby as a pest ?

Why are wallabies a pest?There are a few reasons why they are a pest but the first one is they eat a lot, well to be exact they eat 10x more than a rabbit which is a lot. So why is that so bad? There are a lot of other animals that live amongst the wallabies however because the wallabies eat a lot the other animals don’t get the food they need. The second and last reason is they are ripping up our land like rabbits but again worse than rabbits, it would be ok if there was only a hundred but no there's thousands unfortunately.

What are we doing to stop them ?

People were using guns, poison and traps, but why did they stop using these devices?

Well with the guns they weren't killing them fast enough so they reduced the use of guns for the wallabies. The poison with the poison they were killing them but they were killing other non targeted species by spraying it from the sky or putting it on food they eat. with the traps they had to go out very day to reset them and going out every day to reset a hundred traps is kind of hard. So now they are using a bait station, which is a trap with an anticoagulant toxic pindon. These devices are very good because they don’t require someone going out every day to reset it. The poison can survive through rain and reduces the rate of killing non targeted species.

Do wallabies live in New Zealand?

The answer is yes, but no one ever sees them, but why? Because they are nocturnal.this makes it very hard for pest control to hunt them and get on top of them because they put up a website so people can report sightings of wallabies, but no one ever sees them so how do they report them, and when people do see them they don’t report them because they don’t know there a pest.

When did wallabies get into New Zealand ?

The first wallabies came to New Zealand with sir george grey 140 years ago.

They were released in Christchurch and Rotorua, in Christchurch they released the bennets wallaby and in Rotorua they released the dama wallaby. Since the dama wallaby has arrived they have spread over to the kamais and around waikato. The experts say that in 50 years the dama wallaby will have spread over 3,265km to 11,100km of our land.

What should we do to help stop them?

We should tell people what they're doing to our land and native wildlife, so if people see a wallaby they can report them or advertise by putting posters around to get people to help with this issue.

Bibliography › farming › wallaby-problem-could-become-a-plague › environment › plague-of-w

Rampant wallaby populations bringing New Zealand natives ... › one-news › rampant-wallaby-populations-bringing-...


My Racial Violence Inquiry


All over the world there is a lot of Racism going around. Just last week George Floyd got killed by a lot of white policemen and no one could help him. So for our inquiry we have chosen to do the Racial Violence happening in the USA.

This is a really big deal all over the world but it is very bad in the USA, in our inquiry we will be going over what racial violence is and how we can stop it.

What is Racial Violence?

Racial Violence is a Big Thing happening around the world. For example I'll take the USA, It's when a light skinned person can abuse or just attack a dark skinned person and they won't get in trouble because of their Race or skin colour. In the USA is mostly recognised as light skinned policemen attacking dark skinned and mostly African American people for little to no reason. Though a lot of racial violence is from cops to black people, there have been many incidents where it has just been a normal white person trying to boss around the black people a recent event was when Amy cooper called the cops on a black man walking in Central Park.

How Did This Racial Violence Begin?

Racial violence has been a thing for as long as we can imagine, so I don’t think that there is a true answer to this question, though it has been a big part of history forever one of the earliest occurrences dates back to 1660, one of the later but more affecting parts of racial violence was in 1992 the Rodney King slavery riots.

People who Protested

Another one is Malcom X he is well known for his controversial yet staunch racial advocacy, these people and their history, were some of the roots of fighting against racial violence.

Two people who had some of the biggest effects were Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King jr, these two people had very large impacts on people’s attitudes towards fighting against Racial violence. Rosa Parks is well known as the woman who didn’t let white people boss her around, she sat where she wanted too, and went where she wanted too. Martin Luther King was the leader of the peace riots that we mentioned before.

The best advocate for change was Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X was more into violent protests and didn't agree with Martin Luther King's non violent approach. Both MLK and Malcolm X were assassinated.

Protest Styles

For this I will be comparing peaceful protests and violent protests, I will be using Martin Luther King jr for the peace protest and Malcom X for the violent protests.

Peaceful protests.

Protests where the people protesting don’t fight, or burn things. This is Martin Luther King jr explaining what peaceful protests are. He said,”in our protest there will be no cross burnings. No white person will be taken from his house by a hooded Negro mob and brutally murdered. There will be no threats or bullying.”

Violent protests.

Though the civil rights movement fought against racial segregation, Malcolm X wanted to completley seperate whites from African Americans. In his protests they would burn things and throw rocks and gas bottles.

How Much Is The Racial Violence Affecting The Community?

Racial Violence is affecting the whole USA community because people are getting more and more scared to go outside because they might get harmed. Since it's been all over the internet they have started having more equality for everybody. Before all of this there were lots of shootings and cops killing unarmed people and just mishandling people.

Can Protesting Reduce Racial Violence?

Sometimes protesting can't reduce Racial Violence because it aggravates the police and it just makes them more and more annoyed because if they keep protesting it keeps the streets full and the cops don't wanna deal with all that then they will start pulling out guns and threatening people.

There have been times where protesting has reduced racial violence, e.g Martin Luther King jr’s Peace Protests.

What Can The Government Do About It?

At the moment the government can't do much about it because in the USA Trump is just hiding and not doing anything about it. In other countries they had some solutions to help America with all this happening because now the light skinned cops got stereotyped by a lot of people around the world.

On Sunday majority of the Minneapolis City cops signed lots of papers in front of crowds and they were promising that they would reduce lots of the racial violence around the Minneapolis City. They also agreed to bring more safety around the City and to protect the Dark skinned race.

How Might We Reduce Racial Violence in USA?

As we already know Racial violence is very bad in the USA, so is there a way to stop it? Though I don’t think there is any way to get rid of racial violence I think that people could learn to get along.

In the 1950s and 60s an African American man named Martin Luther King jr was the leader of the civil rights movement. And lead many peace protests. Martin Luther King jr's dream was a world where everyone is equal.

I think peace protests and civil rights movements were and are a good way to reduce Racial Violence.

Best Possible Solution

We think that the best possible solution is peaceful protests as they give people affected by racial violence a chance to speak their word and let off some steam, they also give the racist people a chance to see how racial violence affects the victim.


In conclusion we believe that the best way to stop racial violence is peaceful protests. Thank you for listening to our inquiry on Racial violence.


The Ancestor where my Family

My family moved over to New Zealand when I was 1 and a half years old. They Said they moved here because they wanted a better life for me and my brother because in South Africa there is lots of Racism there and they only choose dark skin people for things.`

Push Factor 1

They left South Africa because it was too dangerous there and the schooling wasn't that great. So they decided that they wanted a better life for me and my brother. I was 18 months old and my brother was 3 years old when we moved over here to New Zealand.

Push Factor 2

Another Reason they wanted to leave is that NZ had cleaner streets and water. It has better health and old-age care. So they both decided to move here because of all the better things than South Africa.

Discussion of Push Factor

One of the most major push factors as education and employment in South Africa. Because there is too much racism there and killing so it's a bit too dangerous to do your own thing you always need to check behind you back. Also, the employment for the white people is a bit hard because of all the racism so they would only pick Black people over white people so my family didn't want me and my brother to go through this so they decided to move.

Pull Factor 1

In New Zealand, there are more job opportunities. Kids can choose and be what they want to be and they can go explore the whole world with the Nz Passport.

Pull Factor 2

New Zealand had a lot of Opportunities and it had food and water. Also, the place is very clean and it isn't as dangerous as South Africa.

Discussion of Pull Factor

One of the Major Pull Factors is Kid can be what they want and they can travel the world when they grow up. So kids can be what they want. If they wanna get into a good sports team they have a chance and if they grow up they have lots more opportunities for job and sporting. Then when I say they can travel the world it's because New Zealand has one of the strongest passports and you can go out by yourself and do whatever you like, so it's good because you don't have to look behind your back all the time.


In Summary, we moved to New Zealand because of all the job opportunities

Global Warming


Hello, Class, My topic on this inquiry is Global Warming. There are lots of Bad things about global warming; The Icebergs are melting and, it’s increasing the sea level, and it’s destroying the animal’s habitats I think That we should Make most of the cars electric and use renewable energy.

What is Global warming:

Global Warming is a big thing that affects the world, Its destroys lots of animal habitats and makes the whole earth hotter and hotter every year. It makes the land and sea hotter, you might be asking how much does it affect the word, it makes sea levels rise because it is destroying lots of icebergs and its also causing more severe weather.

What Country Produces Global Warming The Most:

The country that produces the most CO2 is China you might have expected that but it produced 9.3GT in 2017 that is 9.3 billion tones of CO2. Most of that CO2 is produced only because the country is to overpopulation.

What Are The Other Effects Of Global Warming:

There are lots of other effects there is like climate change and greenhouse gases both of these things are linked to global warming. climate change is where there are more severe weathers like hurricanes and other stuff. Greenhouse gases are stuff that pollutes

the air and make the earth hotter and damage the ocean

How Did Global Warming Start:

Global warming starts when Greenhouse gases and other air pollutants all go into the air and absorbs sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth surface. Global Warming started in the late 1800s and it is still happening we haven’t really done anything about it but we should because it is damaging the earth

What is Greenhouse Gasses:

Greenhouse gasses are gasses in the earth atmosphere that traps heat. There are lots of types of greenhouse gasses like Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor and much more. Greenhouse gases do a lot to the earth it heats it and makes weather more severe. The Worst Greenhouse gas is Carbon Dioxide. You probably know where that is from its from Animals Humans and much more its when they breathe out it makes Carbon Dioxide

What Does Global warming Have To Do With Sea Levels Rising:

Global Warming has a big effect on the ocean and the sea levels because it is destroying lots of habitats for animals and all the icebergs are melting because it is becoming too hot for the icebergs. Since 1992 80% of the glaciers in the Himalayas, they also said if it keeps rapidly melting all the glaciers will be gone in 2035. The past 10 years, the sea levels have risen by 2.6 inches. The ocean is starting to get hotter and it is destroying all habitats. They are also destroying places like the great barrier reef and other things in the ocean. The sea levels are rising because of global warming it is making the earth hotter and it’s melting all the icebergs. Its also affecting the wildlife and their habitats. It also causes wetland flooding. The more the sea levels go up the worse the hurricanes and typhoons get when they happen

How Much Has Global Warming Change In The Past 10 Years:

In the past 10 years, global warming has made the whole world a lot warmer. They said that 2016 was the hottest ever year according to the scientist. And in the past couple of year, the Winter storms have reduced because of global warming and climate change. In 2016 the most Co2 was produced ever and the greenhouse gases were just phenomenal.

Possible Solution:

1 of the possible solutions for global warming and to reduce greenhouse gasses it to make homes use renewable energy you might ask what is renewable energy, renewable energy is an energy that natural for example like solar energy they use a natural source of energy because it from the sun. Renewable energy is an energy that can never run out it is endless. It is also a lot different. Some of the negatives for renewable energy is it costs a bit at the start to pay all the renewable energy. If you get Renewable energy it will last longer and you have an unlimited amount of energy

Should We Make Car Electric:

If we decide to make cars electric it will be fewer fumes in the air and it will reduce greenhouse gasses. Making cars will be effective but it will cost a bit more money. If you need a battery for your car and you don’t have one at home you might have to wait in queue for a while because charging up a car battery does take a while. Electric cars will be handy because it will be better for the environment. There are some electric cars already like the Teslas I have seen some videos about the difference about an electric car and normal car the normal car takes a while to speed up and it produces a lot more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the electric.

Should We Get rid Of Cow:

If you didn’t know cows produce a lot of greenhouse gases, you may ask why and its because they produce a lot of methane gases. Methane is a powerful Greenhouse gas because it gets leaked into the atmosphere and heats up the way and that’s how it get into the air cows produce it from digesting it out of there system on a solution to get rid of methane is put seaweed in the cow’s food but one bad thing is if we get rid of the cows we will have less meat then the system of life breaks.


In Conclusion, Global warming has a big effect on the world because all the Glaciers and the reefs are getting Destroyed. And the past year has been very hot. We need to reduce all the greenhouse gases and should make cars electric and reduce using fumes that can affect the environment. If we got rid of cars that use the fuel it would reduce 15% of the greenhouse gasses
