Mikhail Gorbachevskiy


Playing ukulele and relaxing


Cat in the hat

PYPX 2020

Mikhail, you are a hard working student. You did well in the Exhibition. Good luck in 6th grade. I will miss you.

Mrs Shakhlo

Mikhail! I hope you’re alright. You are a great friend. I hope nothing bad happens! Have a great graduation.

Mark Ten

Grade 4

Mikhail, you were the friend that always made me laugh I really loved the times when we were in 2 grade and we played ghosts and football thank you for being in this school because you made the team in second grade.



You were so curious!

Mr Mark


You worked really hard on your project.

Mr Mark


Enjoying the cool breeze on our hot but interesting trip to the solar station.

Ms Sue

Mikhail, if you ask me who to become friends with, I would probably say= This guy! Misha, you are a guy that can be friends with anyone. Doesn't matter what person you are like, you will definitely have fun with him.


Hey Mikhail - it has been my pleasure to watch you develop into a responsible, caring and studious young man. I am seriously impressed by your progress this year.

Mr Matt


Being a great audience during Achi's presentation.

Ms Sue

Sitting In The Hammock

Mom and Mikhail

Hey Mikhail, you are a super cool friend, in fact legendary. I remember the times you were so funny in Exhibition. Have a great summer dude.

Achi 😂😂😂

Mikhail, I love your humor and jokes in class! You always had a lot of fun with everyone and you were always very nice!


10 years time...