Hayun Park

Fun! 까꿍?

I remember when we played so fun this year! And you always stayed with me! 박하윤씨 정말 저는 행복했습니다

-휴먼 Yurim

UN Day

It was so fun that day!

And also doing the parade with you!


UN Day

The doll. I remember that cute bunny which you bought!


Even if you were quiet you still tried your best to learn and make friends. I really enjoyed your jokes and when I was next to you I was always happy. Thank you for being my friend -휴먼 송유림

박하윤 고맙다 항상 곁에 있어줘서 ^_^ 아! 지구 정복 성공하길… 빌께 ㅎㅎㅎ


PYPX 2020

I remember when we went to the clinic and interviewed one of the blood tester. It was really fun and for me it is really big memory…


PYPX 2020

Hayun, you did well in the Exhibition and you looked so professional in this white coat. Good luck in 6th grade.

Mrs Shakhlo

Hayun, I loved being your partner in P.E! You are so good at jump roping! I hope that one day I can see your smile more often, and that you will be able to make others smile in your own unique way!

Have fun in 6th grade!



PYPX 2020


Marshmallows, singing and spooky stories around the campfire.

Ms Sue


You loved to be with your friends.

Mr Mark

You were a very quiet friend, and it was hard to see your smiling face ㅠㅠ. But when you simply smiled, your smile was bright! I hope you smile a lot!

Ji Hyeon C


You did so much work during exhibition.

Mr Mark

G5 Fun

I remember that we all had a lot of fun on this day. I also remember getting very wet!

Ms Sue

PYPX 2020

Doing research with Yurim about blood types.

Mrs Shakhlo

Hey Hayun - It has been great to witness your confidence grow as the year has progressed. Your Exhibition (with Yurim) was one of my highlights of the school year!

Mr Matt

Morning time

In the Garden

Un Day

Scary Night


Hayun, you are an amazing person with a unique personality. You are very patient and hard working. You did great in the Exhibition and I am so proud of you. I wish you all the best in 6th grade. Never give up. I will miss you a lot.

Mrs Shakhlo