Kelvin Lind


Art Time!


Hey Kelvin - thank you for all your sense of humour, your positivity and your hard work this year. It has been a pleasure to teach and guide you this year!

Mr Matt

Grade 4

Nerf War

Dressed up

Thanks for all the good times we had at your house and school.You’re my only Swedish friend and that means a lot to me. I hope we can still be friends in 6th grade.


Kelvin, you are always making jokes with me, making projects and you always have a good sense of humor.


Great Friends!

Grade 1 Friendships

Sebastian, Andy, Manu, Lennox and Kelvin

Asa Lind

Kelvin, thank you for always being entertaining and funny! I hope you enjoy graduation!


Our Shop

Big Mouth


Hello kelvin you are funny and smart.

I loved the nerf wars and imaginary games we played together

Hope you have good middle school years



With Mom

With Dad

Thank you for making people laugh and smile.



In Sweden

First day of Kindergarten

With the newest cousin


Family in Uzbekistan

Hiking in Nevich

Kelvin as Calvin

Calvin dressed as Hobbes

Camping in UAE

Kelvin you are the smartest guy. I know your are funny in the same time and cool toooooooo. Thanks for being here !


Baby Kelvin with one of many favorite aunts

With short hair

PvZ Gargen

This painting I did reminds me of all the times you used to come over at my house and play PvZ Garden Warfare!-


I wish you good luck in 6th grade Kelvin. I will miss you a lot. Keep working hard and never give up.

Mrs Shakhlo

ES Production

Taking some time out before the show!

Ms Sue


You were a great audience and really showed interest in the other presentations and exhibits.

Ms Sue


You were always a great helper of others in class.

Mr Mark

10 years time...