University Advisors and Counselors
Mission Statement:
In the spirit of the university’s commitment to excellence, the organization strives to provide support for advising and counseling at the university. The quality of advising and counseling at certain critical stages can impact the students’ educational experience, retention and ultimately the student’s entire life. In providing support for advising and counseling, the University Advisors and Counselors seek to provide the optimum atmosphere for the student’s academic development through increased professional communication.
Value Statement:
We are committed to being lifelong learners and serving and supporting all students and members through inclusive and equitable practices. We will learn about and discuss foundational and current social justice issues that impact our students and community in order to nurture inclusive and welcoming environments. We remain dedicated to the equitable and compassionate treatment of students and professionals in advising and counseling. We will embody the Texas A&M Core Values and match our commitment to the Texas A&M Diversity Plan by engaging in critically inclusive and equitable practices and programs.
How We Started:
In 1989, several administrators, faculty, and professional staff advisors recognized the need for a coordinated advising network at Texas A&M University. Because of the diversity of advising systems (i.e., centralized, de-centralized & hybrid) already in place, the importance of establishing a communications network among advisors and counselors was of highest priority. Subsequently, a steering committee was formed to review similar organizational models at other universities. From these findings, an organization called the University Advisors and Counselors (UAC) was developed. Currently, over 450 faculty, administrators, professional counselors and staff are members.
Academic Advising
Academic advising provides the direct liaison between the curriculum and the student and serves to ensure that the student’s passage through academic requirements is planned and purposeful. In order to aid the student best, academic advising should be a developmental process, involving both academic services and support services and suited to the varied needs that students meet during their tenure at the university. The primary purpose of the developmental academic advising program at Texas A&M is to assist students in formulating and implementing educational plans compatible with their goals in life and their basic skills. UAC endorses and supports the NACADA documents defining the role of Academic Advising.
Professional Affiliation
Academic advisors are strongly encouraged to become active members of the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA). This organization’s membership includes academic advisors and counselors at institutions throughout the country. The National Academic Advising Association provides an excellent opportunity for its membership to network with advisors from other institutions and to share effective advising strategies and programs. Each year National and Regional Conferences are held.