Publications and Presentations

The Cyclotron Institute maintains a publications database. Here's a link to Phil's papers on there

Phil also has a Google Scholar page in case you want to look there

Phil's ORCID is 0000-0003-1373-679X


Some presentations that the group has given are linked below in case they're helpful. If you want a copy of my Cookie Monster + neutron-star merger combo, please let me know. It's terrible quality, though. You can probably do better yourself.


Slides from Phil's talk  at CeNAM 2024 about how scattering reactions and they can be used for nuclear astrophysics


A talk from the joint nuclear/astro seminar series at Texas A&M University about our study of the 17O(7Li,t) reaction and its impact on the s-process


Talk from the s-process workshop in Napoli organised by ChETEC in February 2024


These are the slides from a talk that Phil has given a few time in various forms about how transfer reactions can be used to get valuable information for nuclear astrophysics. The version to the left is the short, teaching version, the version below is the longer version which also includes an idiot's guide (the idiot is Phil, fyi) to using one particular reactions code, FRESCO.


A talk that Phil gave in November 2023 at Livermore National Laboratory about various nuclear experimental studies relevant to X-ray bursts and neutron stars


A talk Phil gave at FRIB in October 2023 about how boring (well, he actually means "simple" but he also lives for drama) experiments can be a really valuable thing for nuclear astrophysics
