PANGOLIN Research Group at Texas A&M

Information about our research activities

If you're a TAMU student looking for a research project then please get in touch

This website is still under construction so check back later when hopefully there will be fewer gratuitous pictures of pangolins

I'm still open to offers on backronyms of "PANGOLIN"


Development of coincidence capabilities for the MDM magnetic spectrometer at the Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute

Resonance scattering is pretty and I like transition strengths :)  

Providing updated thermonuclear reaction rates from updated nuclear data

We do experiments all over the place. Here's a list of some experiments we've led in recent years.

If you're interested in group publications (or publications from members of the group), this page contains a few different places to look

Photoabsorption Reactions



Phil is the faculty representative on the Cyclotron Institute Cultural Awareness Development Assembly (CICADA). Anyone with concerns is encouraged to approach a committee member, or to report issues to TAMU Tell Somebody or the TAMU Title IX office as appropriate.


Contact for more details or to arrange a meeting