

This page contains a list of approved proposals going back as far as Phil can easily find* along with resulting papers (when appropriate) and a list of relevant students and collaborators who were involved. The condition for a proposal appearing here is that either Phil was the PI, became the PI or played some relevant technical role in these proposals moving forward.

The nice thing about working at the Cyclotron Institute is that I don't have to apply for beamtime here.

*I'm working on it. I'm slow.


S2223 - measurements related to the s-process neutron source 22Ne(a,n)25Mg and the competing 22Ne(a,g)26Mg reaction with TIGRESS+EMMA+SHARC at TRIUMF, co-PI with PI Andreas Best (Napoli), and co-PIs Alison Laird and Christian Diget (York)

Continuing Constructing an independent photoneutron calibration standard at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, PI with Ben Wellons (current PhD student), Daniel Bemmerer, Roland Beyer, Arnd Junghans, and Ronald Schwengner


Constructing an independent photoneutron calibration standard at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, PI with Ben Wellons (current PhD student), Daniel Bemmerer, Roland Beyer, Arnd Junghans, and Ronald Schwengner


Studying the astrophyiscally pivotal 12C(a,g)16O reaction with 15N(3He,d)16O with the Orsay SplitPole magnetic spectrometer, co-PI with PI Kevin CW Li from the University of Oslo, and my former PhD student :)

How did the first stars make calcium? Studying 19F+p with the 19F(3He,d)20Ne transfer reaction with the Orsay SplitPole magnetic spectrometer, co-PI with PI Matthew Williams (University of Surrey)


PR333 - Spectroscopy of 39Ca using the 40Ca(p,d) reaction at iThemba LABS, PI with co-PI Lindsay Donaldson. Data analysis by Sifundo Binda (former MSc student)

PR337 - Spectroscopy of resonances for hydrogen-burning nucleosynthesis in globular clusters and classical novae at iThemba LABS (with AFRODITE not the K600!)

PR349 - Studies of Many-body strongly interacting Nuclear SYstems at iThemba LABS: ManyNuSYs@iThemba LABS, PI Raquel Crespo (Lisbon) with Anthony Cowley (deceased), Retief Neveling


PR320 - The photoabsorption cross sections of 90 Zr and discrepancies between (p, p') and (γ, xn) reactions at iThemba LABS, co-PI with frequent co-conspirator Lindsay Donaldson

S1805 - Constraining the origin of pollution in globular clusters by measuring important proton radiative-capture reactions using the DRAGON at TRIUMF, PI with Nicolas de Sereville, Sarah Harrouz analysed one of the experiments and I'm slowly analysing the other with help from Hayden Anconetani, an undergrad here at TAMU

S1801 - Isospin symmetry in loosely bound states: Mirrored transfer reactions; using TIGRESS and EMMA at TRIUMF, PI with Jack Henderson

Constraining the 22Ne(α, γ)26Mg and 22Ne(α,n)25Mg reaction rates using the 22 Ne(7Li,t) reaction and the Orsay SplitPole spectrograph, co-PI with Fairouz Hammache

High-resolution spectroscopy of 19F using the Munich Q3D, PI with Fairouz Hammache - project done with publicaiton


High-resolution inelastic scattering reactions from 26 Mg - clarifying levels in the astrophysically important reactions 22 Ne(α, n) 25 Mg and 22 Ne(α, γ) 26 Mg, PI - project completed with publication


PR254 - Measuring decays of excited states in 22 Mg to improve Type I X-ray burst light curve predictions, PI with PhD student J Wiggert Brummer doing all of the hard work. :) Publication accepted in Physical Review C

PR242 - Study of the 44 Ti(α, p) 47 V reaction rate using high-precision 50 Cr(p, t) 48 Cr measurements, co-PI with Alex Long, then a PhD student at Notre Dame, now at LANL. Sifundo Binda did the singles analysis for his MSc and is doing the coincidence analysis for his PhD along with PR333 (above)


PR244 - Cluster structures of 24 Mg, 27 Al and 28 Si - one Physical Review Letter, two Physical Review Cs and another two papers in preparation