The Lemon

By Mr. Schmid

Enjoyable Things About Teaching This Year

1) I haven’t had to brush my teeth all year due to wearing a mask.

2) If I can make it through teaching scientific notation to an empty classroom while staring at blank screens with my sanity, nothing will get me.

3) Acting shocked when students tell me they slept during the online classes.

4) The day I won quarantine Bingo. Thanks Grady!

5) I was reminded how much I missed little things (high fives, sitting close to people, not washing my hands).

6) I’ve really gotten good with spray bottle tricks.

7) While I’m at it, I’ve made a killing selling used paper towel rolls.

8) That sweet sweet mute button. BUT WHERE IS THE BUTTON FACE TO FACE!!!!!

9) The anticipation of certain things post COVID. (Pep rallies, concerts, coughing on people)

10) I always wondered what it would be like to have one period for two hours (spoiler alert, not a fan)

11) With fewer fans at sporting events the refs could hear my taunts better. (Hey ref! I bet you are bad at chess!)

12) Little do the kids know, but all I did was film myself during first period and replay it all day. I was home asleep by 9:00 am.