Vehicle Reports

The vehicle reports  are derived from the vehicle files. The following types of evaluations are available:

Basically, all reports are created as an online display. In addition, the displayed data can be exported in the formats:

Some evaluations allow a "drill down", i.e. from the overview of the data (e.g. per month) to the detail level day, and from there to the next detail level single activity within the day.

As a standard, the evaluations are created from the vehicle files, but if a telematics box is connected, the latest live data can also be displayed in the evaluations.  

In the following chapters, the individual evaluations are described in detail.

Vehicle Report

In addition to the kilometers driven and the mileage per month and per day, the individual activities per day are also displayed in the Vehicle Report, as well as - if a driver card is inserted - the driver who drove the vehicle. 

More details under Vehicle Report 

Gaps Report

The Gaps Reports are evaluations from archived vehicle files that provide indications of:

More details under Gaps Reports 

Out of Scope

If the digital tachograph has been set to "Out of Scope", the activities then performed (driving, work, rest, standby) are not registered in the vehicle file. This evaluation shows the duration of the "Out of Scope" setting. 

More details under Out of Scope  


A Ferry or Train trip can be documented in the digital tachograph via the "Ferry/Train" setting. These times are documented in the "Ferry/Train" evaluation.

More details under Ferry/Train ride


The information on "Loading/Unloading" must be entered in the digital tachograph from G2 version via the menu. In addition to this information, the date/time and the location of the activity are also saved.

More details under Loading/unloading