Live - Driver Activities


When the "Driver activities" tab is clicked, this display appears. The upper part of the display shows the following information:

Date selection: The current date is specified here as the default. However, a date from the past (max. 3o days) can also be selected to display the driver activities of past days.

Last update: The time when the screen was last updated is specified here.

Update frequency: Default = 5 minutes, adjustable from 1 - 5 minutes

Last data transmission: Date/time when the last data transmission from the vehicle took place.

Feature: Specific information about the vehicle, which can be specified individually by the customer. The administration is done via the function "Master data administration vehicles".

Trip meter/kilometer reading: Current kilometers driven, current total kilometer reading. Both data are data of the digital tachograph

Last known activity: Activity currently registered in the tachograph

Last known position: Position where the vehicle was at the time of the last report

Speed/direction: Speed in km/h, direction

Tachograph time deviation: Time deviation of the time set in the tachograph from the current GPS time

The following information appears in the lower part:

Driver: The driver whose driver card is inserted in the tachograph. Additionally, the information which generation of driver card is in use (G1 = issue until June 2019, G2 = issue from June 2019).

Working day/shift start: Specification of the working day in the driver's working week, working/shift start of the driver.

Rest period start/shift end: Latest time at which the driver has to finish his activity.

Remaining driving/working time: Remaining driving/working time today

Driving/working time max/used: Maximum driving/working time today, used actual driving/working time today

Driving time interruption/break before: Time at which the next break is to be taken

Minimum break: Next minimum break (15 or 30 minutes)

Remaining daily driving/working time: Number of hours/min remaining within the limits of weekly driving and working time

Weekly rest time: Next weekly rest time (24 or 45 hrs.)

Next remote download in: Number of days until the next remote download of this driver's card.

Driver activities

The following information is shown for the individual driver activity:

Activity: Steering, Work, Rest, Readiness

Start: Start of activity

End: End of activity

Duration: Duration of the activity