Welcome to the Library!

What's New?

With a new year comes a time for new beginnings! 

Our focus this month will be on diversifying the literature we read by trying new genres, authors, and reading out of our comfort zone.

About Us

The library is open for use by individual students from study hall or class (with teacher permission), and for classroom collaboration. The library is a place for students to work on projects and homework, engage in extracurricular activities, get extra help from teachers, and to check out the wonderful world of literature. Our librarian is ready to help students with any homework problems and project ideas. Donations are always accepted to further expand our library.

Vision Statement: The Bishop Ludden library strives to enable student voice and agency by prioritizing student-lead decisions, opinions, and work within a personalized library environment designed with the intent of encouraging God's natural gifts within each student, allowing them to feel welcome and heard. 

Meet the Librarian!

Miss Kulak is the newly appointed library media specialist at Bishop Ludden and is excited to join the Ludden family!

Miss Kulak at the NYC Public Library

Miss Kulak graduated from Le Moyne College in 2022 with a B.A. in English Creative Writing and is currently enrolled at Syracuse University iSchool earning her Masters in Library Sciences. 

Hobbies: Playing cozy games like Stardew Valley or Sims, cuddling with my baby Beagles Lucy and Ringo, and reading of course!

Favorite Book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (a romance to beat all romances)

Currently Reading: It by Stephen King

Email: akulak@syrdiocese.org