Digital Learning Information

Expectations for Digital Learning

Student Expectations


  • Be focused during live sessions (Google Meet) and remain during the whole session.

    • You are required to attend the Google Meets for all of your classes. Teachers are taking attendance through the Google Meet.

  • Share your opinions and thoughts in Google Meets and discussion boards. Ask questions and reply to your peers.

Be Respectful

  • Say and write words that contribute constructively to the conversation.

  • Share your opinion, and respect the opinions of others.

  • Do NOT:

    • attack someone personally

    • embarrass others

    • bully others

    • use profanity

  • Use professional writing:

    • Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation

    • Professional tone, wording, and format

Be Honest

  • Only submit work that you created yourself.

  • Do NOT complete work for another student.

  • Do NOT copy and paste code from another student, website, or other source.

    • When getting help from another student or website, type out the code and CITE your source in a comment. If it's more than one or two lines, it is probably cheating.

  • You can ask other students for help, and offer help on larger assignments, but the helper should only explain concepts.

  • Sometimes (skill checks, quizzes and assessments), Mrs. Ramsey will explicitly say to work entirely alone.

Plagiarism and cheating are unacceptable. There are serious disciplinary consequences, and the student will not receive any credit for work that is plagiarized.

Be Prepared

  • Read assignment directions and rubric carefully.

  • Pay attention to the due date of each assignment, and submit your completed work by the due date.

  • Find a comfortable workspace and create a productive environment so you can do your best learning and creating.

    • Disconnect from distractions such as cell phone, social media, video games. They will still be there when you are done with your work.


  • Check routinely for messages and comments from Mrs. Ramsey in Schoology.

  • If you have a question that might apply to other students, post the question on the assignment in Schoology. Reply to your peers' questions if you are confident about the answer.

  • If you have an individual question, send a message to Mrs. Ramsey in Schoology or email at .

  • This is a challenging time, and I am here to support you! Contact me if you have an issue at home and you may need some extra time on an assignment to do your best work.

(Adapted from Mrs. Andrea Martin's "Remote Learning Expectations")

Teacher Expectations

  • Create clear and concise lessons to help you learn in this course.

  • Provide additional resources to clarify concepts and encourage you to explore topics more deeply.

  • Create meaningful assignments for you to develop your skills and demonstrate your knowledge.

  • Adjust my instruction based on how well students understand or do not understand a topic.

  • Write clear assignment directions and rubrics so you understand how to complete assignments and what is expected.

  • Provide prompt and valuable feedback on your work so you can see what skills you are doing well with and how to improve in other areas.

  • Respond to your messages and emails within 1 business day.

  • Reach out to you individually if there is a problem.

  • Reach out to your parents/guardians to find ways to help you be successful.

How will Remote Learning Work in Mrs. Ramsey's Class?

  • Most of the activities will be asynchronous, meaning that you will engage with lessons and complete assignments at your own pace before each due date.

  • When school is on Red: It is required for you to attend the class Google Meet every day Monday through Thursday. See Schoology and updates from Mr. Pugh about the remote learning "bell" schedule.

  • Several video lessons and accompanying materials will be posted each week. My goal is to have the whole week of assignments posted by 8:00 AM each Monday.

  • You will submit all work in Schoology and/or CodeHS.

  • You will complete the assigned work to show comptency and understanding of the content covered.

  • (See the procedures section for information on late/missing work.)

  • Late work will not be accepted after the grading quarter has ended, except for extenuating circumstances that are discussed with Mrs. Ramsey previously.