
Student Expectations (What you will do) / Class Rules:


      • Be kind (we will make mistakes, it’s OK!)

      • Don’t disturb class learning & discussion

      • Use technology to learn: no games, social media, etc.

      • No cell phone use in class

        • First offense: phone held by teacher for remainder of class

        • Second+ offense: phone held by teacher/Mr. Monheim for remainder of day and demerit written

      • Take care of the school equipment

      • Do your share of group work


      • Take advantage of every moment to learn / practice

      • Pay attention / Stay on task

      • Be seated and ready to learn when the bell rings.

      • Bring your materials every day.

      • Don't cheat, do your own work (See Cheating below)

Learn from Every Experience

      • Every code needs debugging.

      • A bug is a chance to learn an important concept in programming.

      • Learn from these moments to be a better programmer and problem solver

Teacher Expectations (What I will do for you):

  • Care about you / Learn about you as a person

  • Be available if you need help with issues at school or your life

  • Plan and develop engaging activities that help you be a better coder

  • Share my passion for technology: It's incredible what a human and a computer can do together.

  • Use grades and assessments to inform my teaching and document your learning

  • Challenge students who already understand the material

  • Provide support and extra practice for students who struggle with a concept

  • Teach concepts in different ways to match your learning style

  • Post grades promptly

A Good Coder...

thinks creatively

learns from mistakes

works with others

makes a plan



*Steps may be skipped depending on severity

    1. Verbal warning

    2. Written warning & Meet with teacher after class

    3. Referral written & Parents contacted

    4. Referral written & Meeting with parents and/or counselors

    5. Additional referrals written resulting in discipline through Northview HS and Sylvania Schools


The purpose of all assignments and assessments is to determine your progress in learning to code to better address your needs. Cheating in any manner makes this impossible, so cheating will not be tolerated! If I determine a student has cheated or committed plagiarism, the student will receive a 0% F for the assignment, his/her parents will be notified and a referral will be written as per the Student Handbook. These are examples of cheating:

  • Copying solutions from the Internet

  • Copying solutions from another student

  • Copying from another student's test during a formal assessment

  • Using unapproved resources during an assessment

  • Assisting another student with any of the above

*Importing and utilizing a library or method is OK unless that skill is the focus of the assignment or Mr. Word specifically says otherwise.

Be Honest

  • Only submit work that you created yourself.

  • Do NOT complete work for another student.

  • Do NOT copy and paste code from another student, website, or other sources.

    • When getting help from another student or website, type out the code and CITE your source in a comment. If it's more than one or two lines, it is probably cheating.

  • You can ask other students for help, and offer help on larger assignments, but the helper should only explain concepts.

  • Sometimes (skill checks, quizzes and assessments), Mr. Word will explicitly say to work entirely alone.

Plagiarism and cheating are unacceptable. There are serious disciplinary consequences, and the student will not receive any credit for work that is plagiarized.