
Classroom Information

Required Materials

  • Headphones / earbuds

    • They should have a 3.5 mm jack to plug into a desktop computer - headphones with a longer cord work better for your comfort

    • OR can connect to your Chromebook with via Bluetooth

  • Notebook - I recommend a single subject, spiral bound notebook

    • Double block classes can use either 2 single subject notebooks or 1 two subject notebook


  • Assignments are weighted by three categories:

    • In-Class Assignments (25%): generally these are daily assignments that you are given class time to work on. If you don't finish them in class, you will need to complete them on your own time

    • Quizzes (25%): quizzes occur at the end of every unit, and are open note

    • Projects (50%): There will be a project at the end of every unit. This is where you get to demonstrate your learning and skills. For some units, you will have the option to choose which project you want to do. This is the time to shine and show off the skills you've mastered in the unit!

    • Please note: assigned work on CodeHS does not synch with Schoology. Please check PowerSchool for your grade.

  • For the honors courses, students who earn a 70% – 100% will receive an additional 0.5 GPA points. In the AP course, students with a 70% - 100% earn an additional 1.0 GPA points.

  • As the student, you are responsible for making up any in-class activities as well as homework you missed while being absent. Check CodeHS or the calendar on Schoology to see what you need to make up. Ask Mrs. Ramsey if you have any questions about the assignments.

  • Late work will only be accepted within *2* weeks of the original due date. A temporary (hopefully) 0% F will be entered in the gradebook for the assignment to indicate what the student's quarter average would be if the assignment is not turned in. The grade will be updated to the full points earned if submitted during the late work window. However, late work will only be accepted up until the late/revised work deadlines for each quarter:

    • Q1: Monday October 11th 3:00 PM

    • Q2: Monday December 13th 3:00 PM

    • Q3: Monday March 7th 3:00 PM

    • Q4: Monday May 23rd 3:00 PM

    • Revised/late deadlines will be one business day after the end of the quarter for assignments that are originally due during the last week of the quarter.

  • After the late deadline for each assignment, a 0% F will be entered for the grade. Students are still welcome to submit assignments for feedback (not a grade).

  • Of course, adjustments will be made for extenuating circumstances such as personal and medical emergencies. Life can be complicated, and I understand that, so please come talk to me before the deadline if something is going on in your life that prevents you from turning in an assignment on time. Deductions may be waived for certain situations.

  • I want to see the very best that you can do, so I welcome students to revise assignments or complete re-assessments if needed. I will keep the highest of the scores if the revision/reassessment is turned in by the revised work deadline. However, the grade will not be adjusted on assignments where the initial submissions was incomplete or is evidence of minimal effort.

Need Extra Help?

  • I will advertise office hours (teacher tutoring) for each week. If these times don’t work, come talk to me and we’ll set a time for me to help you!

  • Use the comment or message feature in Schoology to ask questions about assignments.

  • Send me questions through e-mail at