2017 Authentic Learning Symposium

2017 Authentic Learning Symposium

The 2017 Symposium featured 20 presentations from SCS teachers as well as Central and Regional staff. This symposium design featured the creative and innovative architecture of Education Changemakers whose aim is to 'unleash' teacher potential.

This video captures the highlights of the events of the day.

Welcome and opening remarks: Dr Michael Bezzina, SCS Director of Teaching and Learning

Access presentation here.

Online Engagement: Nick Brierley, Sacred Heart Primary School, Mosman

Access presentation here.

Key note and creative professional learning architecture by Education ChangeMakers

2017 Authentic learning Symposium Presentations

Presentations were led by teachers across our system of schools. We’d like to acknowledge and thank those teachers who took up the invitation to share and lead professional learning on the day. Presentations addressed multiple elements of authentic learning. They have been categorised however, according to the element that most applies to the content.