Stories of authentic learning

As you are well aware, this thing we are calling authentic learning is not something new. However, in the busy-ness of everyday teaching, creating the conditions for its achievement may be elusive at times. That makes our moments of success all the more exciting and rewarding!

The purpose of this activity is to create an opportunity for colleagues to share their stories of the times when they have been really successful in creating a learning experience which embodied their understanding of authentic learning, perhaps in terms of engagement, challenge, outcomes - either immediate or longer term.

Participate in a reflection and sharing of stories about authentic learning

  1. This activity is best in groups of no more than 5 or 6 colleagues.
  2. Arrange to meet in an informal setting if possible.
  3. Take turns to tell each other about a time when you were able to create the conditions for authentic learning - when everything just 'clicked'. You may like to reflect on questions like these:
  • What did you do?
  • What actually happened?
  • How did the students react?
  • Why did it work out so well? What marked it as a special learning experience?

4. As you listen to your colleagues, see if you can work out what it is about the learning experience that each person is particularly celebrating. (You may like to make a note as you go).

5. Once everyone has had a turn, spend some time sharing your perceptions of those aspects of learning that the group seems to value. Discuss the following question:

What does this tell us about our sense of authentic learning?


Sharing these experiences more broadly is a great way of building each others capacity. You are invited to make a short 2-4 minute video in which you share your experience of authentic learning.

The following prompts may be useful when planning your video:

        • Who you are and where you work.
        • An explanation of the learning experience- class, KLA, what took place.
        • Student experience and response.
        • Your reflections on why this was an authentic learning experience. (See the sample video-'Bridging the Gap').

Find out more ...

See more examples here.

This activity has been a celebration of authentic learning. The following activity is one of several which employs a combination of video and literature-based resources to stimulate structured discussion activities about authentic learning.

Professional learning in this toolbox activity is linked to the following NSW Professional Standards for Teachers

Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Standard descriptor: 3.2.2, 3.6.2

Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report student learning

Standard descriptor: 5.3.2, 5.4.2