Report of the Greenline workshop on 'Minimalism'

Greenline held a workshop on Minimalism on 28th August 2020 at 4pm. Ms.Monalisa was the co-ordinator for the workshop and gave a brief introduction before handing it over to the main host Mr Kayden.

The following points were discussed in the workshop

1)He asked the students what their hobbies were.

2) He said that nowadays shopkeepers make use of advertisements to sell their products faster and to make their product available in the market for longer duration.

3) He told us that sometimes we see 'collect' written on a product we get attracted to that product and try to collect it.

4)We buy a particular thing but when we get bored of it we think it's useless and we buy a new product

5) We think gadgets are compulsory in our life. But no! People in olden days did not have an any gadgets but still were living happy lives.

We were really inspired by his speech and will try to remember what he has taught us.

Mohammed Bilal khatri
