004 Investiture Ceremony / Foundation Day

The Investiture ceremony of our newly Elected Student Council was held on 20th June 2024 in the Solagran Hall at 8.00 a.m.  As 20th June marks the School Foundation Day, students were given a short summary and a mention was made of the vision and mission statement. A floral tribute was paid to the Late Founders of our school Rev. Fr. Angel Solagran and the First Principal of our school Rev. Fr. Edward Palomera S.J. It was then followed by a short prayer.

The theme of the Investiture ceremony - “LEARNING TO LEAD AND BUILD BRIDGES”. The Investiture ceremony was viewed by students of std. 7, 9 and 10 in the Sologran Hall and the same was telecasted in the classroom for std. 5, 6 and 8. The Investiture ceremony began with students accepting their responsibility to be leaders for the New Academic Year 2024-2025. The Principal asked the student council members to repeat the oath of office on accepting their duties as Student council leaders. After the oath taking ceremony badges and sashes were placed on the newly commissioned student council member. Students pledged the allegiance oath to the elected leader.

The Manager Fr. Arul John Bosco s.j addressed the student council members and spoke about the responsible role of leaders and gave them some practical tips as they embark their journey as leaders. He also stated if they followed their duties as leaders they not only will be able to command respect but will inspire others as role models. He congratulated the newly elected council members to use this great opportunity to build bridges that last.

The Supervisor Ms. Monica Rose thanked the teacher coordinators Mr. Mukhtar Khan, Mr. Nepolian Almedia, Ms. Sophia D’Mello and all those who helped to make the Investiture ceremony a grand success. The school song and the National Anthem was sung by the students.

The special invitees- parents of the newly induced council members and staff enjoyed a cup of tea, biscuits and sweets. The guests left after taking photographs to treasure the moment.

 Teacher- Coordinator In-charge

Ms. Sophia D’Mello

Mr. Mukhtar Khan

Mr. Nepolian Almedia

 Rev. Fr. Angel Solagran SJ

Rev. Fr. Edward Palomera S.J.