6th Grade Team

Sussex Middle School

SMS Core Values to Strive for: 


Keep in Touch

Each teacher on the team has a page on this Website where you can check for upcoming tests and projects.  Daily homework assignments will not be listed.  Please check the agenda for those. 

The sixth grade team meets every morning during third period from  10:16-11:00 AM.  If you would like to speak to the team or an individual teacher, call the main office and they will transfer you to our team meeting. 

Late Work Policy:

Students who hand in assignments or projects late will receive a deduction of points. 

Back to School Night Info: 

Sussex Middle School invites you to our annual Back To School Night on Wednesday, September 13th at 6:30 p.m.  Back To School Night is a wonderful way to start off the school year by expressing a mutual commitment between home and school.  It is a great opportunity to meet your child’s/children’s teachers, learn about the coursework and policies of each subject, see the layout of the building and meet the administration. However, we understand that there are many other obligations that may require your attention in lieu of attending, but it is our goal to accommodate all of our students' and families needs. In the event that you cannot make it to Back to School Night, we have provided you with information that teachers will be presenting. Upon viewing the material, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out via email.