Retail Food Establishments

The Indiana State Food law requires that all food establishments be registered through the state or the county health department. The county health departments have jurisdiction over a retail food establishment. Please contact the Switzerland County Health Department for more information on starting a NEW retail food establishment. 


Food Permits are $50.00/annually 

(Permits expire Dec. 31 of each calendar year)

*All establishments MUST have a Certified Food Handler. Click here to visit our page about Certified Food Handler Certifications.

IAC 410-7-24, Section 110, requires that plans be submitted to the regulatory authority. To ensure that your plans are complete please fill out the Plan Review Questionnaire Form and the Application for Plan Review Form

The plans should include:

After submitting the above forms and upon approval, you will fill out the Local Permit Application to be permitted. IAC 410-7-24, Section 107 states that the retail food establishment shall notify the regulatory authority with intent to operate at least thirty (30) days prior to registering under the rule.

Submit completed forms to the Switzerland County Health Department.