Well Testing
Your private well water is unregulated, yet there is plenty of support to answer questions, provide guidance, and help understand testing results. Mastering your water quality is no easy task and many free resources are available to help you. The following organizations are available in your community to help provide guidance in maintaining clean, healthy drinking water from your private well:
Positive Test Results
When a private water source has elevated levels of contamination, the individual using the water source is responsible for taking action. If results from water testing are positive for contamination, bottled or filtered water may be used as a short-term solution. In some cases, boiling water and sanitization of a well may provide a solution. Long-term clean water can be achieved through different means including treatment and sanitation, switching water supplies to municipal water, or constructing a new well. Understanding the results of a water test, potential health impacts, and recommendations for treatment solutions is made easy with this tool from The National Groundwater Association's Well Owner website:
Resources for Water Testing