
Seeding the Future provides resources for educators, learners, and families.

Download or print some of the following diagrams and activities to learn about urban ecosystems near you!

Mustard Plan SWF Poster - Worksheet 2 Function Color-01.jpg

Plant Parts and Functions

Different plant parts play different roles in helping plant survive. Match the Basil's plant part to the correct function.

sunflower photosynthesis worksheet.pdf


Where do plants get their food? Fill in the blank spaces to show how plants make their own food (glucose) during photosynthesis.

What is Soil?

Soil NOT Dirt

What's the difference between soil and dirt? Soil has nutrients and minerals essential for sustaining life. Check out this diagram to learn about soil composition.

Composting Diagram

Commonwealth Composting

Composting at Sweet Water Foundation creates nutrient rich soil for our plants. Take a close look at the Sweet Water composting process.

Farm Water Cycle - Digital Drawing

Sweet Water Cycle

What does the water cycle look like on the Sweet Water Community Farm? Fill in the blank spaces with the correct stage from the water cycle.

Butterfly Anatomy Worksheet (1).pdf

Butterfly Body Parts

Butterflies are essential insects in our community. Use scissors, glue, and coloring utensils to create a butterfly and learn its body parts.