grow, harvest, cook

Every year since 2014, the Sweet Water Foundation Core Team has cultivated more than 2 acres of land known as the Community Farm, 24 garden beds in the Community Garden, and 12 flower garden beds in the Courtyard. At The Commonwealth, we are also able to during the cooler months inside our three hoop houses. In the spring, we open our Seedling Market with core seedlings for neighbors and home growers. Our main crops are collards, kale, mustards, turnips, and chard.

Equally important is the health + wellness ritual of cooking the produce we grow and understanding the nutritional benefits of the meals we cook. During the summer and fall, we prepare meals for each other with produce we have available on the SWF Community Farm.

In the Grow, Harvest, Cook section, we have outlined tips for getting started, taking care of your seedlings and mature plants, and recipes to prepare the food you grow.

Where to begin? In this section, learn how to identify your plants, understand the plant life cycles, and various planting considerations for growing indoors vs. outdoors.

After your seedlings are transplanted into their new space, take a look at some of the best ways to take care of them. Each seedling has slightly different needs, so we have put together a brief overview for each crop.

Learning to cook the bountiful harvest that we cultivate is an essential part of the work we do at Sweet Water Foundation. This section describes the health benefits of the crops you are growing and simple recipes to prepare the food you are growing.