There are a range of different platforms online which allow you to access free online courses. However, I have listed on this document the ones I feel would be most useful to deepen and broaden your Psychological knowledge beyond the A level specification. However, this list is not exhaustive so please do free to explore the websites and see if there are other courses available which interest you.

Introduction to Child Psychology

Outline: Considers questions such 'What influences children's development?' and 'How do psychologists study the physical and cognitive changes that occur during childhood?' [8 hours]

Social Psychology and Politics

Explores the role of identity, personality and culture for political action. The course introduces a critical perspective considering how psychologists themselves can be activists and interrogating the norms of ‘good citizenship’ in Western societies. [8 hours]

Challenging Ideas in Mental Health

Considers the dilemmas of diverse perspectives in the field of mental health. Explores the importance of service users/'survivors' experiences [18 hours]

Exploring Sport Coaching and Psychology

Explore the influence of coaching and psychology through the lens of sports people and teams who have been successful. You will focus on coaching practices used with young people and adults, including research and advice of leaders in their fields. [24 hours ]

Forensic Psychology: Witness Investigation

Discover how forensic psychology helps obtain evidence from eyewitnesses in police investigations and prevents cases of injustice [3 hours per week for 8 weeks]

Psychology and Mental Health: Beyond Nature and Nurture

Explore some of the current challenges and debates in the area of diagnosis and treatment. You will gain new perspectives on the “nature vs nurture” debate, and understand how we are affected by life experiences. [3 hours per week for 6 weeks ]

Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Learn how to conduct, analyse and understand cognitive psychology experiments

Consider the psychology of thinking and reasoning. You will learn how to run an experiment, how to collect data, and understand the science behind memory and behaviour through experiments. [4 hours per week for 3 weeks ]

Fundamental Neuroscience for Neuroimaging

Introduces the basic principles of neuroimaging methods as applied to human subject’s research and introduce the neuroscience concepts and terminology necessary for a basic understanding of neuroimaging applications [8 hours]

Sleep: Neurobiology, Medicine and Society

Considers the neurobiological basis of sleep control and how sleep deprivation, jet lag, and substances such as alcohol, caffeine and nicotine alter sleep and wakefulness. [16 hours]