Key Stage 3

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum

Students joining us in Year 7, regardless of their current confidence or experience in modern foreign languages, will find a challenging, supportive and engaging approach to language learning, in line with research-based best practice resources from our former lead school status with the National Centre for Excellence in Language Pedagogy (NCELP) now Language Driven Pedagogy (LDP).  The core elements of phonics, vocabulary and grammar are taught and consolidated through meaningful practice, so that students can listen to, read, speak and write French in a broad range of contexts using high frequency vocabulary. 

The approach not only sets up their language learning for life, but consolidates their knowledge of English, and underpins their learning of a 2nd European language in Year 8.  The range, depth and complexity of their knowledge is extended throughout Year 8, to build a secure platform for further language development in KS4.