Curriculum overview

English at KS3: Our updated curriculum is designed to ensure that our students are engaging with a wide range of authors, ideas and concepts. In each year, students study prose, poetry and drama, enhancing their confidence and familiarity with each form. Texts and content have been selected to best equip our students with a strong set of reading and writing skills, some contextual knowledge for their further studies, to develop an inclusive mindset and emotional intelligence - and, of course, to foster a love of  reading.

English at KS4: Our students build on their KS3 knowledge, and, by Year 9, are studying GCSE (and even A level) standard texts in order to provide academic challenge and opportunities for deeper levels of studying. On entering Year 10, our students are well-positioned to begin their GCSE course, continuing to study a range of genres from the prescribed syllabus.

English at KS5: A recent change to our A level course now means that our students study a wider range of content and contexts, enhancing our students' cultural capital and aptitude to study English beyond Borlase. From Shakespeare to Agbabi, Williams to Woolf, our A level course challenges and excites students with its diverse range of genres, authors and themes. Our A level students leave us having acquired a wide-range of valuable transferable skills that prepare them well for both their further education and future professional lives.

English Curriculum Overview 2024/5