Extra Curricular


Advanced Reading Group: There is a flourishing Advanced Reading group for KS5 that meets weekly. Potential Oxbridge candidates as well as those considering English Literature at undergraduate level are invited to attend to widen their knowledge and understanding of culturally significant and canonical texts.

Debating/Public Speaking: Run within the English department, this club offers a platform for KS4/5 students to develop their skills of oration in formal settings. Students practice and receive guidance and support on honing their craft, and have the opportunities to take part in both internal and external competitions.

Book clubs: We run two separate book clubs for KS3/4 students. These will be run weekly during break-times and books will be selected by the students.

Media opportunities: Borlase English students regularly volunteer their time and writing skills to help produce two magazines: the annual 'Borlasian' that covers the widest range of life at Borlase (our most up to date version is available online here) and a student-run e-magazine 'Sequere'.

English support: In addition to the extra-curricular clubs, we also run a range of weekly support sessions and drop-in sessions to help boost and maintain our students' confidence in their English studies. (See details at the bottom of this page.)

Trips and Visits

Barely a week goes by without the English department running a trip to the theatre, bringing in an author to speak to our students or taking Borlasians to a workshop in London or Stratford. The department's Twitter feed, which is embedded to the right, gives the fullest flavour of just what a busy place the English department is.

The department also runs hugely popular creative writing trips in the UK and to Venice.

Below is a snapshot of just some of the events we run throughout the year:

Taking English beyond the classroom!

Below is the schedule of the weekly support and clubs we offer:

English Department: Clubs and Support