Key Stage 3

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum

Each year, we receive students from a wide-range of feeder primary schools with a range of skills and knowledge.

In English, we have created a curriculum which ensures that our students are confronted with challenging and stimulating texts, using the literature as a means of embedding and honing skills of analysis and debating alongside creative and academic writing. All of our schemes of work are created internally to ensure that we deliver a programme of studies that meets the academic needs and requisite character development of our students.

Through early and regular exposure to a range of genres and forms, we provide our students with a smooth transition into their future studies, covering themes and content that will give them a head-start at GCSE, whilst avoiding the temptation to become exam-obsessed.

In our department, we believe that the enjoyment and escapism of literature and stories has become most apparent over the last two years, and we are keen for our students to develop and foster a love of our subject from the outset. With windows into the worlds of history, philosophy and ethics, the curriculum that we deliver to our students is designed to widen their worlds and develop their sense of compassion and empathy: key qualities for a meaningful life. To this end, we regularly offer our students opportunities beyond the classroom through theatre trips and authors' visits to offer varied and engaging insights into the world of literature.

Wider Reading

Here is a list of texts that we recommend for wider reading throughout your studies at Key Stage 3:

Challenging Reads for KS3 Students