Swan River School Newsletter


Chief Editor: Kennady (7th grade student)

Assistant Editors: Brodie and Sophie (7th grade students)

Our newest news stories will be displayed on the top of the pages for your convenience and satisfaction. There is a divider indicating where the stories from the last edition are. Thank you for dedicating your time to read our school's newsletter! For other information, visit our school's website!

In 1893, our phenomenal school was just getting started, yet it was burned down in 1929. In that same year, our school was rebuilt and added onto. Since then, our school has changed to the community's advantage. We give students an education that will change their lives. Though our school is different than when it started, it is one of the best in the valley. It is widely known that Swan River holds many great teachers, staff, and students.

Welcome to Swan River School's Newsletter 2019-2020, issue #1! Our creative writing class, composed of middle schoolers, has published this newsletter to keep you updated about school events, community happenings, sports, fundraisers, and other activities.

Maintained and edited by our 6th-8th grade students, we hope this newsletter can entertain and inform you!