Technology Plan 2022-2026

Technology Presentations

2021-22 Presentations

Tech Plan for 2022-2026

This cycle ending coincides with the opening of the new Elementary School so we can plan ahead for time after the new Elementary as many of our plan items depend on what happens with technology in that project.

Mission: To support educators & students to create open, flexible, and robust digital environments for anywhere, anytime learning.

To support this mission, we continuously examine our infrastructure, hardware, and software to determine what needs to be repaired, replaced, or re-envisioned.

  1. Continue to support and improve the 1:1 program with a firm emphasis on TECHQUITY

Family outreach for access to internet & devices

  1. Continue to provide effective technology support for all staff & students on all hardware and software

  1. New Elementary School Project

  1. Replacement of SMS Projectors & 10 year old boards with 3 in 1 solution - Promethean

  1. Phase 3 of SHS LIT Center- the I-Lab (see presentation above to view work from Phase 1 & 2)

  1. Continue to audit & edit our inventory of hardware & software

    1. Software and hardware examination to make sure continued use aligns to equitable and robust learning experiences.

    2. Review and renewal of software need to support Teaching & Learning

    3. Focus on the MA Data Privacy Alliance

    4. Replacement of hardware on cycles and buyback of outdated items

    5. Utilization of E-rate program for infrastructure improvements and replacement cycles

7. SMS Library Renovation to LIT center (w/Facilities)

8. Security Updates with Facilities and SRO (Review, Repair, and Replace - access cards & cameras) and pursue SVPP grants for expanded security measures.

Technology Vision through Deployment Cycle - Vision, Analyze, Build & Pilot, Validate, Deploy, Improve

Please note that while we have 10 year hardware replacement cycles, all of our cycles are budget dependent from year to year (including supporting our 1:1 device program).

In addition, at this time we have planned for a lot of the elementary technology upgrades to happen in the new building, including devices for staff and students. If those items cannot be completed within that project, the plan changes.

Finally, replacement cycles are estimates based on current costs and student enrollment. With unprecedented demand on technology and inflation, we cannot accurately predict costs out for the next four years.