Student Data Privacy

Student Data Privacy

Students in the Swampscott Public Schools use a wide variety of online tools as part of their education.  Some of these tools collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to allow students to log in, track progress, personalize instruction and store data.  

Swampscott Public Schools is committed to protecting the privacy of our students. The Swampscott Public School District is a member of the Massachusetts Student Privacy Alliance (MSPA) whose goal it is to set standards and expectations around student privacy by implementing a common Student Data Privacy Agreement with vendors.  

All resources have been vetted for both educational alignment and student data privacy protections an a Data Privacy Agreement (DPA) is needed for each software title/company.  The Swampscott Public Schools joined the MSPA to manage and procure these agreements. Find out more information regarding the MSPA here.

Massachusetts Student Data Privacy Alliance logo

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