Exam Conditions Information

The Turing School GCSE Examinations

A Guide for Pupils and Parents 2023/24



Students please follow link which gives information to candidates during an exam



This booklet has been designed to provide you and your parents/carers with information and to answer questions that you may have about the examination regulations and procedures.

The Awarding Bodies (or Examination Boards) set down strict criteria that must be followed for the conduct of your forthcoming GCSE exams and we at The Turing School must follow these precisely. Notices to Candidates issued jointly by the Examination Boards are attached at the back of this booklet. You should read these carefully. Please note that to break any of the examination rules or regulations could lead to disqualification from all subjects. The School must report any breach of the regulations to the Awarding Body.

If there is anything within this booklet you do not understand, or you still have some questions once you have read this booklet, please ask either your tutor or subject teacher or come to the Exams Office. The Exams Office is located at the back of reception.

Finally, all the staff and I would like to wish you the best of luck with your examinations and for the future.

Miss L Harmer

Exams Officer


Revision & Exam Entries

What will make the biggest difference to a pupils' results?

• Create a revision timetable.

• Attendance and concentration in all lessons.

• Use the revision resources on google classrooms.

• Ask teachers for help.

What are good methods of revision?

• Working through past exam papers

• Using resources such as revision guides, notes and extra questions provided.

• Key words

• Spider diagrams

• Mind maps

• Flow charts

• Revision cards

• BBC bitesize

• Recommendations from teachers

• Making use of advance information

When will the GCSE exams take place?

• Written exams begin on 8th May 2024

• Spanish speaking exams will take place before 15th May

• Practical exams such as Art, Drama, Music & Food and Nutrition will take place from April/March 2024.

Whose responsibility is it that pupils are entered for the correct exam?

• It is the individual pupils' responsibility, all details on your individual timetable must be checked, including the spelling of names, date of birth as this will determine the information shown on the GCSE certificates.

You will receive a copy of the GCSE timetable and your individual timetable showing your own specific examinations. Your individual timetable will provide you with the date, time and duration of the exams. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU CHECK YOUR TIMETABLE

CAREFULLY. If you think that something is incorrect, or you have two or more exams scheduled at the same time, please go to the Exams Office.

Please make sure you read your timetable carefully and ensure that you arrive at school on the correct day and on time. (8:40 AM and 13:00 PM)

In the event that you lose your exam timetable please see Miss Harmer to obtain another copy.



Your Candidate Details

You will be entered for your exams using your legal name. When you are instructed to complete the front of the exam paper, please ensure you write your legal surname and first name. You will also need to sign the front of the exam paper where it says candidate signature.

A unique, four-digit candidate number will be allocated to you and this is the number that you will write on your exam papers. Please learn it.


All exam stationary is provided for our pupils. However, if you wish to bring your own then only the essential equipment for the exam should be taken into the exam room. Stationery should be carried in a clear pencil case or plastic bag. You can bring your own natural display calculator and clear anything stored on it. Calculator cases must not be taken into the exam room.

Pens should be black ink and not gel pens. You are not allowed to use correcting pens, tippex or tape or erasable pens. Highlighters may not be used in your answers, but can be used on your question paper.

You must not borrow anything from another candidate during an exam.

Food and Drink

You may take a clear water bottle with the label removed into the exam, it should not be tinted or contain any branding or writing. We do not permit any squashes or other drinks.

No food is allowed in the exam room.

Arriving for Your Exam

Full School Uniform must be worn by all pupils sitting an examination. Please ensure that any coats and belongings are placed in the hall cupboard.

Examinations will begin at 9.00 am and 13.30 pm unless you are notified otherwise.

You are required to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the examination and line up in the atrium where you can check your seating plan and line up under the correct alphabet row.

All pupils who have an access arrangement will line up just before row A.

Once you have been requested to do so, enter the exam room in silence. Candidates are under exam conditions from the moment they enter the room until they are dismissed and outside the exam room.

You must listen to and follow the instructions of the invigilator and MUST NOT communicate in any way with other candidates. Candidates are required to put their hand up should they require anything.

Any bags, coats or personal belongings, including mobile phones, iPods, smart watches, and MP3/4 players and any notes you have made must be placed in the exam room cupboard.


Possession of unauthorised items, such as a mobile phone, is a serious offence and could result in disqualification from your examination and overall qualifications.

Writing of any description on yourself such as your hand/arm/leg or equipment is also forbidden.

When walking into the exam room, you will be scanned to ensure all electronic devices have been handed in. It would be a good idea before arriving for your exam to empty your blazer pockets of all rubbish and any other items, such as compact mirrors, ear phones, SD cards/USBs, hand cream, lip balm etc.

Seating Plan

A seating plan for the main hall and exam suite/access room will be displayed on the exam notice board in the atrium. Please do check this for your seat prior to entering the exam room. Candidates will be seated in rows. Your desk will be marked by your own candidate card which displays your photograph, candidate number and the school's Centre number. (This must remain on your desk face up) An invigilator will guide you to your seat should you require assistance. There may be more than one exam taking place at the same time. It is important that you check that you have the correct exam paper. You MUST check the subject, paper and tier of entry. If you are not sure, please put your hand up to check.

During the Exam

A Senior Invigilator will read out instructions at the start of an exam. You should listen carefully in case there are any notices you need to know.

It is important that you do not start writing until you are instructed to do so. Please do not complete the front of your exam paper until the Senior Invigilator advises you to do this.

You should read the instructions on the front of the paper and number your answers clearly. If you require assistance, please put your hand up and an invigilator will come to you as soon as they can.

In the event of an emergency, all candidates must follow the instructions of the Senior Invigilator who will follow the School's Emergency Evacuation procedures. Candidates will be stopped from writing and asked to close their exam booklet. If you are asked to leave the exam room to gather at the designated meeting point. You must leave in silence and not communicate with any other candidate in any way whilst the evacuation takes place. Candidates remain under exam conditions. Question papers will be left on the desks.

At the end of an exam

At the end of the exam, an invigilator will collect your exam paper. Please remember to check that you have correctly completed your personal details. Check your name, candidate number, the centre number and where applicable, the exam paper or unit number.

You must remain seated and not communicate in any way with other candidates whilst the papers are being collected and for the duration that you are in the exam hall.

Exam conditions apply until you have been dismissed and you must leave in silence until you are well away from the exam room. Other candidates may still be sitting their exam. Please be respectful to them.


Late Arrivals

If you arrive late for an exam, you may be allowed into the exam room up to 60 minutes after the exam start time. However, this is dependent upon the length of the exam. Any late arrival must be reported to the Examination Board and they reserve the right not to accept a candidate's paper. Late arrivals will be entitled to the full exam time if there is adequate supervision available. Upon arrival please go directly to the main reception area and ask for Miss Harmer, Please do ring the school if you are late.

Absence from Examinations

Every effort must be made to ensure candidates attend every exam. If, however, you are unwell or experience other personal difficulties of a serious nature, either you or your parent/carer should inform the school by telephoning 01323 465700 at the earliest opportunity on the day of the exam. The School is unable to act retrospectively.

You will then be advised of the exam regulations and what arrangements, if any, can be made to take account of the situation. You may be asked to obtain medical evidence.

If a you feel unwell during an exam, you should put your hand up and inform an invigilator.

Should you fail to attend an examination without good reason, a charge will be made to cover the payment of the entry fee. Misreading a timetable is not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation of absence. Please make sure you check your timetable. If you mislay your timetable, please go to the Exams Office where a copy can be obtained.


Contingency Planning

In the unlikely event that there is national disruption to a day of examinations in Summer 2024, as a last resort the affected examinations will be rescheduled. Every effort will be taken to keep the impact to a minimum, it is also possible that there could be more than one timetabled date affected following the disruption, up to and including the contingency days on  the afternoon of 6 June and 13 June 2024 and the morning and afternoon of 26 June 2024. .

Examination Clashes

Should you identify that you have two or more exams timetabled at the same time, you must see Miss Harmer, the Exams Officer. Arrangements will be put in place to ensure that JCQ exam regulations are followed. This may mean that you will be able to sit your exams one after the other. In certain circumstances, a clash of exams may result in the exams being split across the morning and afternoon sessions. In these circumstances, it will be necessary for you to be under supervision from the end of the morning exam until the beginning of the afternoon exam.

Access Arrangements

Students who have access arrangements will sit their exams in The Exam Suite. Candidates who are eligible for extra time and candidates requiring specific arrangements will be informed of the approved arrangements that are in place for them and where the exams will take place prior to the examinations. Candidates will be provided with reader pens/laptops for exams if it is their normal way of working. The amount of extra time for each exam will be displayed on the board along with the start and finish time of the exam.


GCSE results day is on 22nd of  August and you will be invited into school to collect your results. You will need to collect your results in person and sign to say you have collected them. Results will not be given over the telephone. Certificates will be held at the school for 1 year.

Frequently asked questions


No, Timetables are regulated by the examination board and you must attend on the specific date and time.


Only if it is absolutely necessary and not in the first hour of the examination and last 15 minutes unless you have a medical pass. You will be escorted to the toilet by an invigilator. Medical passes need to be presented to the Exams Office 7 days prior to the exam.


AQA – www.aqa.org.uk (English Literature, English Language, Geography, Spanish, Food & Nutrition, Dance, PE

OCR – www.ocr.org.uk (Maths, Science and i-media)

Pearson (Edexcel) – www.edexcel.org.uk Drama, History, Music

EDUQAS – www.eduqas.co.uk  Art

NCFE https://www.ncfe.org.uk - PE Vcert, Engineering, Child Development 


If you feel you've forgotten everything, it may be just nerves. Take a few deep breaths to help you stay calm.

Read the instructions - Make sure you know what is required.

Take your time – Read the questions carefully. If you can't answer a question, move on to the next question and return to it later. Make sure you check the back of the paper in case there is a question printed on it.

Write in black ink within the designated spaces. Exam papers are scanned when they are marked by exam boards, so it is important that you do not write outside of the lines. You can put

your hand up to be given additional answer booklets. Use the allocated marks to help you know how much time to spend on a question.

Remember to cross through any work you do not want to be marked.

Allow time to check your answers.

Do your best!