FCL: Future Community Leaders

Future Community Leaders


A volunteer organization designed to best prepare students to become engaged citizens through the support of community service volunteering. Recognizing this achievement with academic scholarships both representing Future Community Leaders and its community partners.


- To develop future community leaders.

- To develop an increased understanding of the value of volunteering.

- To strengthen the ties between local community business, civic, and volunteer agencies and the school district.


- All graduating seniors who have completed 40 hours of community service.

Rules of Operations

The organization will be led by a volunteer board consisting of:

o President

o Secretary

o Treasurer

o Fundraising Chair

o Financial Advisor

- Each of these positions will be 2 year terms with President and Secretary rotating off different years than Vice President and Treasurer. The terms of President and Secretary will rotate in 2016, with the roles of Fundraising Chair and Treasurer rotating in 2015 to begin this cycle.

- The Financial Advisor will maintain consistent based on agreed upon terms of service and performance.

- Decisions will be made through the use of parliamentary procedure.

*If you are a parent that would like to be involved and join the FCL committee, please contact thanson@svjags.org!

Scholarship Information

As an organization, FCL would like to provide a scholarship for each graduating senior who is planning to continue his or her formal education. To accomplish this, we have set up the FCL Community Service scholarship. This scholarship will be given to any senior who has met the following criteria:

  1. Complete 40 community service hours by March 1st of his/her senior year. Seniors must complete 1 hour of volunteer service towards a future community leader's event. These hours must also be documented on a FCL form and submitted to the SVHS principal’s office within a month of completing the hours or by September 1st for summer hours.

  2. Complete the FCL Common Application form and turn it in to the HS counselor by March 1st of his/her senior year.

  3. Earn at least a 2.0 (C- average) in his/her first semester of college and be enrolled in the second semester of college. Documentation of this must be sent to the HS counselor before the scholarship money will be distributed. The deadline is 12/31/2018.

As an added recognition, any senior who has acquired the required number of community service hours and documented them through FCL will receive a silver honor cord to wear during graduation ceremonies.

Students can begin documenting hours the summer before their 9th grade year of high school. The FCL documentation form as well as the guidelines for accumulating hours are listed at the link below or you can find the form in the high school office or counseling office. Examples of hour to get hours are included on this form. Please follow Southeast Valley High School facebook and twitter pages as well as the high school announcements for opportunities! Feel free to ask the high school staff or community members for ideas too!

Volunteer Service Definitions and Examples

Volunteer Service Definition

  1. The use of your FREE time to help others.

  2. Helping someone other than immediate and extended family.

  3. No payment can be accepted for the work completed.

  4. The person supervising you (or person you are helping) must complete and sign the volunteer service form.

Suggestions and Examples:

  • Rake/mow lawns for the elderly or shut-ins. Do grocery shopping or errands for shut-ins

  • Shovel snow

  • Help your town with a big snow removal-help clean-up after large storms

  • Help your town on town clean-up day

  • Help local organizations with their fund raising activities

  • Work for Future Community Leaders, fund-raising activities

  • Walk (and raise pledge money) in the First Lady’s Walk

  • Organize your own food drive

  • Visit care center residents; spend time with them, play cards, write letters

  • Help your school

  • Post-prom fundraiser-volunteer to help

FCL Volunteer Form: Click below to download and print form

FCL Volunteer Application

Note from High School Counselor: Participation is optional. All participates who receive 40 hours by March 1st of their senior year are eligible for the scholarship. All seniors who have 40 hours of documented community service by the FCL organization and want to apply to receive this scholarship, need to fill out the FCL scholarship application and attach resume and personal statement. The application can be found under the scholarship tab in January and due March 1st to Mrs. Balk.

*FCL only documents the hours each student turns in. To check the number of hours FCL has documented, please see Mrs. Hanson, the office or Mrs. Balk.