About Me

Hello! My name is Danielle Balk and I am your school counselor at Southeast Valley High School. I started at Southeast Valley in August 2016. Time sure does fly when you're having fun! I grew up in Grimes, IA and attended Dallas Center Grimes Community School District. I grew up a Hawkeye so I ended up going to the University of Iowa after high school to receive my bachelors degree in social work. I then took a year off and worked as a youth counselor before I realized my heart was in school counseling. I attended Drake University's counseling program, where I received my school counseling degree. I took the school counseling job at Southeast Valley High School right as I graduated from my counseling program and I love it here! I particularly love the small town atmosphere and how everyone is willing to help one another. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, playing with Freya (my dog), working out, watching my many TV series, fishing and being outside!

My family!