Last Kindergarten Year

Last Kindergarten year in Katthult

The Swedish school in Vienna offers a multilingual school-preparing group at a high educational level. Through targeted activities in small groups, the children are getting ready for school. We offer a playful and fun way to learn. The children's natural interests in learning and developing are in focus. It is especially important for us that the children also have enough opportunities for free activities and we spend a lot of time outdoors and in nature. Cultivating the social and emotional development of the children under our care is a particularly important aspect of our work. Through this work, we help the children to ensure a natural transition from kindergarten to school.

We offer school preparatory activities such as:

• Swedish and German, as well as extra English (preparation for reading and writing, phonological awareness exercises, rhymes, reading and audiobooks)

• Mathematics (basic mathematical concepts, working with numbers, practicing counting, problem solving)

• Nature and technology (exploring nature and deepening one’s knowledge through experiments)

• Creative activities (promote creativity in many different ways)

• Physical activity (planned exercise once a week in the park as well as a lot of exercise in our front garden and on our excursions)

• Music (Songs for different feasts, private piano and guitar lessons)

• Excursions (Parks, playgrounds, forests, libraries, museums, theatres)