DarkNet & Hacker Crimes


The deep web, invisible web, or hidden web are parts of the World Wide Web whose contents are not indexed by standard web search-engines. The opposite term to the deep web is the "surface web", which is accessible to anyone/everyone using the Internet.

A December 2014 study by Gareth Owen from the University of Portsmouth found that the most commonly hosted type of content on Tor was child pornography , followed by black markets , while the individual sites with the highest traffic were dedicated to botnet operations. Many whistleblowing sites maintain a presence as well as political discussion forums. Sites associated with Bitcoin, fraud-related services, and mail order services are some of the most prolific.parti



Including executor and participator


People who have suffered directly or indirectly due to the dark web


Including Government, police department, legislative institution



Positive Impact

  • They are completely anonymous, It protects their personal privacy.

  • Get a lot of wealth and money.

  • Satisfy their desires.

  • Bring excitement:These included feelings of autonomy and emancipation from boring work and onerous bosses, as well as excitement and the thrill of transgression.

Negative Impact

  • Their rights cannot be protected by law.

  • They may also become victims.


Positive Impact

  • none

Negative Impact

  • Personal and property safety is threatened.

  • Their privacy has been violated.


Positive Impact

  • Promote the improvement of cyber-related legislation and law enforcement.

  • Encourage the government to pay attention to digital information security

  • Protected the privacy of the government

Negative Impact

  • High-tech crime is difficult to track.

  • International crime increases the difficulty of tracking.

  • The reduction in the cost of crime has led to more people being involved in illegal activities.

Relationship Analysis

Planet - The dilemma of the darkNet: environmentalism have a dark side

Environmentalism advocates the preservation, restoration and improvement of the natural environment and critical earth system elements or processes such as the climate , and may be referred to as a movement to control pollution or protect plant and animal diversity.

But it tends to veer in a pretty misanthropic direction as soon as we start talking about humans as the root cause of all our current climate woes.

“extreme environmentalists” who are pro-planet but anti-immigration. Worse, some are even promoting violence

Individual - Freedom vs safety

When people refuse to be monitored all the time, they cannot enjoy all the time protection.

People can find anything on the dark web, including your darkest secrets: Racism, pedophilia, guns, drugs, human trafficking.

But the online world without rules also allows everyone to become a potential target and victim.

Society - The dilemma of the dark web: protecting neo-Nazis and dissidents alike

Anonymity network Tor has become a safe-space for white supremacists and paedophiles. Yet in nations where access to the net is curtailed, it’s a lifeline.

Society - Out of control: Guys, Drugs, Pornography

Selling drugs online is safer and more profitable than doing it offlineEncryption technologies allow vendors to communicate with customers and receive payments anonymously.

The completely anonymous criminal environment and high profits make more people participate in crimes, causing social instability.

Business- When regulation is no longer effective

The business no longer has safety and quality standards, and can sell any goods without paying taxes.

Business - New business: doing business for illegal

The dark web is a paradise for money laundering, terrorism, guns and drugs, and pornography. You can do business with people anywhere in the world with just a computer.