Gaming Platforms


Gaming can take shape digitally, semi-digitally, and physically. It has the ability to transport us into different realities and even improve our skills. Let's take a look at the stakeholders benefitted from gaming, how it affects their behaviors, and what is the relationship intertwined between different sectors.


App Developers




Gaming Companies

Individual Game Creators

Impact on Stakeholders


Positive Impact

Gaming can be a beneficial addition to children's upbringing. It is not only a source of entertainment, but also an educational tool that stimulates them to develop their intelligence, sensitivity and agility. Lastly, it teaches them team work by interacting with other players to accomplish a task.

Negative Impact

On the flip side, children can easily become addicted to video games. This could lead to mental and physical health problems, lack of attention span, and poor school performance.


Positive Impact

Adults with children can benefit from gaming, as it helps them build their relationship and keep their kids entertained. Regardless of the household situation, though, adults get a sense of accomplishment from playing video games. They enjoy the time spent on it, which is usually outside of working hours or when commuting. Also, multi-player games allow adults to connect with friends and meet new people.

Negative Impact

Similar to children, adults are also prone to addiction. When this happens, adults spend less time bonding with their families, as they experience a disconnection from their surroundings. The competitiveness that video games bring to their lives can generate unhealthy feelings that hinder their development of people skills. In some cases, they might even use gaming to distract themselves from reality and other mental problems, which increases their feelings of loneliness.


Positive Impact

Teenagers see gaming environments as a utopian world where they can relax, connect with others, feel seen as equals, and have more control. They compete to feel accomplished so they can eventually show it off.

Negative Impact

Because they spend too much time on these platforms and are exposed to sensitive content, it can lead to a disconnection from the physical world and an unhealthy desire to be competitive. They might also be blinded by the gratification received from these platforms that they can not acquire real valuable skills.

Gaming Companies

Positive Impact

When companies create new sources of entertainment that satisfy their customers' needs, they benefit financially by the amount of downloads they receive. Companies are also able improve others' lives by collaborating with educational institutions to generate tools that help kids learn.

Negative Impact

However, potential users are unable to discern when companies implement unethical methods to attract them. These companies also provide utopian environments, where an emphasis on stereotypes and biases is sometimes the norm, that isolate people.

Relationship Analysis

To further dive into understanding problem behaviors around gaming platforms, we researched and mapped the relationships between problem areas and individuals, business, society, and the planet. By doing so, we found the following tensions.


Physical Health

According to a study developed by psychologists at the University of Washington, gaming can benefit people with physical injuries by distracting them from their pain.

However, as people become addicted to video games, they are prone to other physical issues like wrist, neck and elbow pain, skin blisters, calluses, and sleeping disorders. Long-term addiction could lead to obesity, weakness or numbness of hand, and even blood clots and epilepsy.

Mental Health

Games are therapeutic for certain age groups and conditions, as it helps users feel relaxed.

But, these platforms serve as escapism opportunities and distractions from the physical world. When users are not playing, they might feel social anxiety, loneliness, depression and low self-esteem.

Government Responsibility

Last year's Reuters report shared the gaming industry grossing more than $9 billion for the US economy in 2019. This scale of reachability can be linked to the mental health of many individuals due to the growing amount of addicted players who have developed poor mental health.

Social Behaviors

Toxic Behaviors

Thanks to gaming platforms, individuals can connect and form new social connections, sometimes even great friendships with others across the globe.

However, we must acknowledge how some games uncover and welcome toxic behaviors. These behaviors vary depending on the game, but they usually include cyber-bullying, disturbing other players by "trolling" them, acting nosy, cheating, and even spreading fake information as it happened with the Gamergate controversy.


A study on Springer Link found that male character were almost four times more frequently portrayed and significantly more relevant in action games than female ones.

However, female characters were extremely altered, often found objectified, overly sexualized, and even paired more frequently in violent scenarios. Therefore, the gaming industry is to blame for creating, reinforcing and exposing their big audiences to stereotypes of gender and race.

Consumption Behaviors

Consumption Behaviors

Gaming companies have recently begun developing themes focused on topics like, fighting climate change and saving endangered wolves, to raise awareness on environmental issues.

As they hold one of the biggest user bases in the world – around 2.6 billion, it definitely brings awareness to these problems. However, their industry is a significant generator of electronic waste, as its users produce 24 megatons of carbon dioxide every year in the United States.

Areas of Improvement

Although WHO officially recognizes gaming addiction as a mental disorder, there needs to be more responsibility coming from the makers of these apps, the government who influences their usage, and the people who use them. On the bright side, China recently implemented restrictions on usage hours for minors to control the amount of time spent on gaming platforms.