Disinformation & Bad Actors


Disinformation is defined as false or misleading information that is spread deliberately to deceive. It's a subset of misinformationfalse or inaccurate information that is communicated regardless of an intention to deceive.

In the world of misinformation, a "bad actor" is a type of social media account or internet user that spreads misinformation and often causes confrontations.

Digital Experience of Harm

Bad Behaviors on Social media

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Forwarded Disinformation in Group Chats

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Darknet & Hacker Crime

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Cyber Bullying

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How to access and mitigate the harm

Harms Modeling - Microsoft

Harms Modeling is a practice designed to help you anticipate the potential for harm, identify gaps in product that could put people at risk, and ultimately create approaches that proactively address harm.

Harms Modeling

Transition Design

Transition Design is an emerging, transdisciplinary approach for addressing complex, “wicked”, systems problems and catalyzing societal transitions toward more sustainable, equitable and desirable long-term futures. This applied approach was launched in the School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University in 2015 and since then has been integrated into course work and research strands in more than 20 universities worldwide.

Transition Design

Opportunities to Improve

Disinformation Education

"Here are the good ways to teach you how to identify disinformation: 1,...2,...,3,..."

  • Make users read more related news articles and tips.

  • Onboarding quiz about anti-disinformation knowledge.

Multi Info Sources Recommendation

"Please learn this news from different perspectives from different sources."

  • Popularization of Verified Facts

  • Multiple info sources recommendation

Access Limit for False Information

"This tweet can not be shown because of the violation of community rules."

  • Warning

  • Blocking

General Platform Rules Innovation

"All messages can only be forwarded 5 times maximum, no matter it's disinformation or not." ----WhatsApp

User Accountability

"Users MUST be responsible for the damage they caused."

  • Platform Level: Credit System, Punishment Mechanism, Disinformation Spreader AI predictor.

  • Law enforcement Level: Real-Name System, Empower law enforcement departments to trace disinformation sources.